Should guns be fully banned?

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Current Events » Should guns be fully banned?
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rick_alverado posted...
Personally, I'd ban most police from having guns before I'd ban hunters. Do something like in the UK where standard police don't have guns, and it's only certain specialized police that do.

Isn't this possible in UK mainly because there's essentially no gun ownership amount the populace?
Harris-Waltz 2024
Fully; no. And not because "we need it to fight the gubment" cause the government would never engage in a gun fight with the ones who have that fantasy. They'd just drone them from miles away and they'd never see it coming. A well regulated militia will not; and can not, defeat the current level of tech the government posses and is developing.
Why is it that the world can't spell "lose" or "woman" right???
As a farmer, no. That experience I had before I sold I was glad I had one. A prowler around 2am in the morning. My response was correct. I told him to leave, he refused. I went to check the rest of my property and told him to leave. He refused again. I called the police and they picked him up
I was born when she kissed me. I died when she left me. I lived a few weeks while she loved me-
emblem-man posted...
Isn't this possible in UK mainly because there's essentially no gun ownership amount the populace?

It's possible because in most cases there is no reason for police to need a gun.
Post #108 was unavailable or deleted.
No while I am HEAVILY in favour of gun control I dont think all guns should be banned, just much more restricted

but I do think the second amendment as it sits now is a massive obstacle in fixing the actual issues with Americas mass shooter problem
SilvosForever posted...
I mean access is only for police and military and only while on-duty.

Then no, I don't agree - the police shouldn't have them either.
Re-open board 261.
AssultTank posted...
What about women who may need self defense against their abusive stalker ex?
He also has a gun.

Taxes, death, and trouble.
Brunt/Gaila 2024. Make Ferenginar Great Again!
No but universal background checks should be a thing and all guns should be registered to their owners to help prevent trafficking. Gun owners should have to undergo a mental health screening and the police should check with that person's friends and family to make sure they have no history of violence or concerning behavior. Basically it should be similar to how they do it in Switzerland.

AnsestralRecall posted...
No, the state should never have a monopoly on violence.

It's weird to me that so many liberals think the police should be the only ones allowed to own guns but at the same time many of them hate the police.
lcampoy posted...
at this point, it would be pointless. There are so many guns out in the wild that it wont deter anyone who really wants a gun.
It will never be pointless. Small changes for the better are still changes for the better. Its OK to make improvements over time even if it takes a long time to realise the improvements
lcampoy posted...
at this point, it would be pointless. There are so many guns out in the wild that it wont deter anyone who really wants a gun.
I agree. The best thing to do would be nothing at all, which has worked out so far.
Hey, everyone, what's going on in this topic? Oh.
3DS FC:3368-5403-9633 Name: Kaizer
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creativerealms posted...
No but we need more restrictions and regulations.

It's called the American Dream because you have to be asleep to believe it. - George Carlin
In the states, whos enforce a ban? Military and police force disciplines attract the right wing type. Right wingers gonna enforce a gun ban?
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AssultTank posted...
What about women who may need self defense against their abusive stalker ex? What about the elderly or disabled? They are prime targets for assaults.

You know, women with an abusive ex have an insanely high murdered by firearm rate. States that confiscate guns when theres a restraining order have a significantly lower homicide rate for women. Im fine with her having a gun for protection but that doesnt change the fact that shes demonstrably safer when theres collectively less guns.
"Something's wrong! Murder isn't working and that's all we're good at." ~Futurama
Absolutely not and anyone who believes they should is a fool on multiple levels.
I love how overly left wing this board is but still so Murican that you can't even bring yourselves to admit that everyone walking around with guns is weird as fuck. Odd odd country
Regards, WtW
winstonthewhite posted...
I love how overly left wing this board is but still so Murican that you can't even bring yourselves to admit that everyone walking around with guns is weird as fuck. Odd odd country


IMO - the past is the past. The future is the future. Let's move towards the future, ok?

All these progressive ideas people aren't "comfortable" with yet - well in several years people will look back and ask "What were they thinking, wasn't this obvious?"
All your favorite RPGs:
Japan allows guns for hunting and for competitive shooting. We don't have a real problem with gun violence (the few cases that do happen are usually criminals using guns they get from America). I think the idea you need to totally ban guns is misguided (and obviously unrealistic).
Favorite Games: BlazBlue: Central Fiction, Street Fighter III: Third Strike, Bayonetta, Bloodborne
thats a username you habe - chuckyhacksss
SilvosForever posted...

IMO - the past is the past. The future is the future. Let's move towards the future, ok?

All these progressive ideas people aren't "comfortable" with yet - well in several years people will look back and ask "What were they thinking, wasn't this obvious?"
This topic was made before that most recent shooting wasn't it? I saw an article about someone shooting up a school and then it got quickly moved off the front page where I am for other stories. I guess they figured it was just Wednesday in America and moved on to something else. A sad reality really
Regards, WtW
ssjevot posted...
Japan allows guns for hunting and for competitive shooting. We don't have a real problem with gun violence (the few cases that do happen are usually criminals using guns they get from America). I think the idea you need to totally ban guns is misguided (and obviously unrealistic).
How do you think Americans would respond if it was suggested that we mirror our gun laws after Japans?
Taxes, death, and trouble.
Brunt/Gaila 2024. Make Ferenginar Great Again!
Post #125 was unavailable or deleted.
Asherlee10 posted...
"Overly" left wing?

Don't engage, that user was playing dumb recently about people cutting off friends and family who are diehard MAGA cultists and downplaying the hatred and bigotry that is central to MAGA as "just differing political opinions" and "Americans being extreme" so he's a joke poster.
Post #127 was unavailable or deleted.
Murphiroth posted...
Don't engage, that user was playing dumb recently about people cutting off friends and family who are diehard MAGA cultists and downplaying the hatred and bigotry that is central to MAGA as "just differing political opinions" and "Americans being extreme" so he's a joke poster.
Just in case you had doubts about "overly left wing"
Regards, WtW
winstonthewhite posted...
Just in case you had doubts about "overly left wing"

LOL you couldn't have proved my point better.
winstonthewhite posted...
Just in case you had doubts about "overly left wing"
its overly left wing to not want to be around people whod rather be in a cult than be my friend/family?

I simply cant stay close with someone who believes shit like trans people dont deserve to exist
Hee Ho
Post #131 was unavailable or deleted.
Murphiroth posted...
Don't engage, that user was playing dumb recently about people cutting off friends and family who are diehard MAGA cultists and downplaying the hatred and bigotry that is central to MAGA as "just differing political opinions" and "Americans being extreme" so he's a joke poster.
Hes lost his temper and outed himself as an alt-right multiple times.
Taxes, death, and trouble.
Brunt/Gaila 2024. Make Ferenginar Great Again!
Conviently ignoring me talking about how stupid citizens walking around with guns is
Regards, WtW
SaikyoStyle posted...
Hes lost his temper and outed himself as an alt-right multiple times.
Stuff like this isnt downplaying the overly left wing thing at all. Never voted for a right wing party in my life. You lot are so odd
Regards, WtW
winstonthewhite posted...
Stuff like this isnt downplaying the overly left wing thing at all. Never voted for a right wing party in my life. You lot are so odd

Nah you're the weird one who spent an entire topic downplaying Americans rightfully pointing out that the diseased heart of MAGA is full of bile, bigotry, and hatred and that cutting those folks off is perfectly ok as "differing opinions" instead of acknowledging MAGA for the hate movement that it is.
No, especially with your sentence on only how the military and law enforcement should have guns.

There needs to be stricter laws when it comes to owning guns, but not fully ban them.

In an emergency like a home invasion, the police response time isn't great and you should be able to defend yourself, your family and your property from the invader.

You know damn well the invader is going to be armed.

Waiting for the pigs...I mean cops to show up 5 minutes later is a bad idea.

Michigan Wolverines 30 to Ohio state 24: 11/25/23
Michigan Wolverines Football:15-0 ,Rose Bowl Champions&National Champions
winstonthewhite posted...
but still so Murican that you can't even bring yourselves to admit that everyone walking around with guns is weird. Odd odd country
But youre missing the authentic American joy of going to the park with someone dear to you, and casually observing the different firearms everyone is carrying for their morning walk. This is jokes.
No matter our origin, we are all one family, we all share one planet, and we all need to feel loved and accepted. We are more alike than different.
Post #138 was unavailable or deleted.
BDSMKane posted...
But youre missing the authentic American joy of going to the park with someone dear to you, and casually observing the different firearms everyone is carrying for their morning walk. This is jokes.
Thank you for responding to me thinking gun culture in the US is moronic, Sadomasochist Mayor Glenn Jacobs
Regards, WtW
winstonthewhite posted...
Mayor Glenn Jacobs
Who are you even talking about?
No matter our origin, we are all one family, we all share one planet, and we all need to feel loved and accepted. We are more alike than different.
As someone who is very happy that the rate of gun ownership in his country is low: No. There are legitimate uses for firearms among the citizens. Not many, but not zero.

Now, pushing for stronger gun controls laws: hell yeah. The majority of people honestly don't need guns. I'm not saying to confiscate everyone's weapons, only that a reason beyond "Because they're cool" should be required for gun ownership.
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The_Wheelman1 posted...
Not fully banned it's just automatic weapons that needs to be banned from civilians.

Why? It cost tens of thousands of dollars and almost a year long background check with numerous ATF hoops to jump through just to get a pre-1986 fully auto. The people commiting mass shootings cant afford that. Anything after that year you need a Federal Firearms License.
A part of the machine
runewalshPSiv posted...
Why? It cost tens of thousands of dollars and almost a year long background check with numerous ATF hoops to jump through just to get a pre-1986 fully auto. The people commiting mass shootings cant afford that. Anything after that year you need a Federal Firearms License.
Theres also extremely diminished supply. I used to see them frequently 20 years ago, but now its quite rare. Even gun ranges that rent them out arent always able to because they need continuous maintenance at their age and use. Plus eventually those receivers will be out of spec and unable to function properly; which is part of the customer shortage since they cant legally build a new receiver.
No matter our origin, we are all one family, we all share one planet, and we all need to feel loved and accepted. We are more alike than different.
SaikyoStyle posted...
How do you think Americans would respond if it was suggested that we mirror our gun laws after Japans?

Poorly. But that isn't my point. My point is ban all guns isn't just unrealistic, it's not needed.
Favorite Games: BlazBlue: Central Fiction, Street Fighter III: Third Strike, Bayonetta, Bloodborne
thats a username you habe - chuckyhacksss
ssjevot posted...
Poorly. But that isn't my point. My point is ban all guns isn't just unrealistic, it's not needed.
We cant have what we need either as long as were stuck dealing with people who wont even admit that guns are weapons.
Taxes, death, and trouble.
Brunt/Gaila 2024. Make Ferenginar Great Again!
Yes is what I want to say. Because it makes life so much easier for me. I can take care of myself pretty well physically, so not having an equalizer out their just makes the world a bit safer for me personally.

But, that would be unfair to the portion of the population that cant defend themselves physically against aggressive opponents. Most notable women being attacked by men.
Yes, ban all guns.
Rumble Roses. Someone enters the room. Them: O_O Me: What?! I always play games without my pants on!- Inmate 922335
LOL...I'm shocked it actually took to post 10 for the wild boars excuse to be posted in defense of AR's.
Sandalorn posted...
LOL...I'm shocked it actually took to post 10 for the wild boars excuse to be posted in defense of AR's.

Wild boars are a problem in Japan.

They hunt them with single shot shotguns.
Favorite Games: BlazBlue: Central Fiction, Street Fighter III: Third Strike, Bayonetta, Bloodborne
thats a username you habe - chuckyhacksss
Legend says hunters used to kill wild boars with a bow and arrow
No. I could find required training on top of a mental health check acceptable though.

Like do we want someone owning a gun if they can't hit the broad side of a barn? Or someone who has never been taught basic gun safety measures?

Like I had a family member who was older and from a gen and type of family where he just had a gun put in his hand at a early age and taught how to shoot. He damn near killed me one day when I was 2. He was doing something with the gun I think getting ready to clean it. Safety was on so why bother with trigger discipline right? Gun had a faulty safety mechanism. He missed my head by 2 inches allegedly.

Fucker became a strong advocate of gun safety after that. In fact bought me a gun once but refused to give it to me till I real the manual in its entirety under his supervision which naturally includes gun safety.

Side note. Weird to think I'm gonna inherit a gun that almost ended my life.
I put my heart and soul into my work and I fear I have lost my mind in the process
Current Events » Should guns be fully banned?
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