Should guns be fully banned?

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Current Events » Should guns be fully banned?
I mean access is only for police and military and only while on-duty.

No exceptions - not for hunting, not for sport.

Yes or No?
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Sure, why not? I wouldn't really want that, but since we can't ban stupid people, gonna have take their toys away. And by stupid people, I don't mean just the criminals either.
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If it meant all guns were instantaneously whisked away, absolutely support this.

If not, gun proliferation in the US just means crime gets way more rampant.
I wouldn't be opposed to a full ban, that said I just want SOMETHING done.

I'm not particularly bothered at the idea at a citizen owning a simple handgun or licensed hunters owning hunter rifles or whatever. I just don't see why you average Joe needs advanced, military-grade weaponry.
No but we need more restrictions and regulations.
"Intelligence has no place in Politics" Londo, (Babylon Five)
Star Trek Prodigy is top tier Star Trek.
I'd say yes but not for hunting and even then only hunting rifles and not AKs like I've seen people using. You really don't need a AK to hunt.
Kee Oth Rama Pancake
No, the state should never have a monopoly on violence.
1213 // Queer Liberation, Not Assimilation
I'm a "no" on this, Switzerland practically forces a rifle into your hands when you become an adult and they have extremely low violent crime rates.

We've just allowed the NRA to buy their own laws for like 50 years because there wasn't an organized resistance to it.
Just partially. Ban the trigger and we're good. That's like what, 1% of a gun? You can still keep your 99%.
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It's not just the weapons. It's the culture around them and attitudes towards them that need to go.

Right now, they are the magical totems, fetish objects that bestow a (narrow and mostly illusory) sense of freedom on their advocates. They make them feel capable and righteous.

I'm not naive. I do not believe meaningful gun control is possible in the US without a massive cultural shift. I don't know what could start such a shift. Dead children aren't enough.
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AnsestralRecall posted...
No, the state should never have a monopoly on violence.
MagnusDJL posted...
I wouldn't be opposed to a full ban, that said I just want SOMETHING done.

I'm not particularly bothered at the idea at a citizen owning a simple handgun or licensed hunters owning hunter rifles or whatever. I just don't see why you average Joe needs advanced, military-grade weaponry.
For hunting natures superanimals like the flying squirrel and the electric eel.
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Didnt we learn from prohibition that it doesnt work? We just need better and more gun control laws.
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R_Jackal posted...
If it meant all guns were instantaneously whisked away, absolutely support this.

If not, gun proliferation in the US just means crime gets way more rampant.

I presume it would involve a mandatory recall of all weaponry. A turn-in period followed by seize and arrest on sight.
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I'm going to say no and yes. Even as a Canadian, I'm fully in favour of hunting rifles, hunting shotguns and to a lesser extent pistols. It's everything else I don't think anyone should have access to outside of times for war. No man needs a rpg launcher, or an automatic machine gun.
Ivany2008 posted...
I'm going to say no and yes. Even as a Canadian, I'm fully in favour of hunting rifles, hunting shotguns and to a lesser extent pistols. It's everything else I don't think anyone should have access to outside of times for war. No man needs a rpg launcher, or an automatic machine gun.

I'm imagining an end to private hunting.

You want to hunt? You get a license and they lease you the gun in the morning and you have to turn it back in in the evening. And it's only allowed to be used within the specified area. No more private gun ownership of any kind.
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SilvosForever posted...
I'm imagining an end to private hunting.

You want to hunt? You get a license and they lease you the gun in the morning and you have to turn it back in in the evening. And it's only allowed to be used within the specified area. No more private gun ownership of any kind.

To me the only private citizens that should be allowed to own a gun larger than a pistol would be farmer/ranchers. And I wouldn't agree with those hunting laws. Some people hunt for days, so it all depends on where the hunting is happening. I would say between 3-5 days with a gps tracker in each rifle.
The biggest problem is the accessibility of guns. People always say things like "criminals will always find guns" but they don't realize they're easily accessible.

This weekend I could go to the nearby flea markets in my area and could buy a gun. No background check, just hand over the money. Same thing with gun shows and such.
"I dreamt I was a moron."
R_Jackal posted...
If it meant all guns were instantaneously whisked away, absolutely support this.

If not, gun proliferation in the US just means crime gets way more rampant.

Pretty much this

Give it the magic wand treatment, hell yeah

Pragmatically speaking though... A full ban via legislation would backfire pretty poorly in the US
Can we at least get gun safety courses for people who didn't take hunter's safety and needing a license saying you went through the course? It won't stop crazy people, but it's better than the nothing we are doing now.
Bethany took my pickles. All of them. Even the spicey ones.
As someone who lives in a very rural area... no, that would be sheer lunacy.

That being said, gun laws do need to be more strict.
Swansong, I can feel you fade.
I say yes, but I know that's an unpopular opinion given how strong the gun culture here is. It's absurd how guns are treated as sacred and any attempts to dial things back get meet with heavy resistance.
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Not fully banned it's just automatic weapons that needs to be banned from civilians.
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Making something illegal has never got rid of it. It still exists illegally. Criminals don't care if guns are legal or not. Banning weed never got rid of weed. Prostitution being illegally never got rid of prostitution. Speeding is illegal and yet millions do it every day. We tried outlawing alcohol and that backfired catastrophically. Outlawing guns outright wouldn't do shit.

Plus, something urban folks might not get, a lot of people hunt for food. I live in a rural area and know so many hunters. Most hunters around here at least hunt deer but some hunt other stuff like turkey.
I'm not here for friends. I'm here for the truth to the best of my knowledge of it, even if it's not what people want to hear.
Fully banning guns? There are some countries who have managed to pull it off: Brunei, Cambodia, Comoros, Eritrea, Fiji, Guinea Bissau, Maldives, Mali, Marshall Islands, Myanmar, Nauru, North Korea, Palau, Seychelles, Solomon Islands, Timor Leste, and Vatican City. I wouldnt want to for the US, even if I could wave that magic wand.

Im all for disarming average police, though.

The_Wheelman1 posted...
Not fully banned it's just automatic weapons that needs to be banned from civilians.
Automatic weapons? You mean semiautomatic? Because automatic weapons are called machine guns, and a law for those passed decades ago. You likely cant name a single shooting that happened with an automatic weapon without looking it up.
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GrandConjuraton posted...
As someone who lives in a very rural area... no, that would be sheer lunacy.

That being said, gun laws do need to be more strict.

No lunacy about it. It's time to change your way of life. That's all there is to it.
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It is decades of not centuries too late to rebottle that particular genie, plus there are valid use cases.

What we do need is actual firm regulation and enforcement across the board. None of this "gunshow loophole" nonsense, no more of having them be less regulated than a fucking car. You have a tool that can kill people, with no particular use besides harming life or threatening to harm life. It needs to be handled with respect and care for that eventuality.

"Oh they stole it" criminal negligence on the part of the people who originally had it. Do better. And the only way we can do better is to enforce the rules.

"But I just want to collect guns!" then do the goddamn paperwork like an adult. Damn.
Variable General Veeg, at your service
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Asherlee10 posted...
And do what with dangerous wildlife?

Animal control will have employment opportunities I'm sure.

Edit: Or use other types of hunting devices (traps, bows etc.). Just not guns.
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Asherlee10 posted...
This is already illegal.

And gun nuts aren't too thrilled about it because that means "their guns are next", or some dumb crap.
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It works for japan. With that said I'm not anti gun but rather I'm with the "we don't need assault rifles" mindset.
Italian, French, German.
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StarFighters76 posted...
And gun nuts aren't too thrilled about it because that means "their guns are next", or some dumb crap.

I hope their guns ARE next. Fuck those types.
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Asherlee10 posted...
You think calling animal control when you have a charging bear, or worse a polar bear, will save your life?

I think the public safety outweighs how often people are charged by polar bears.
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SilvosForever posted...
I hope their guns ARE next. Fuck those types.

I fully agree. If they are too stupid to understand that gun control does not mean coming after their personal firearm, then they are too stupid to have that firearm in the first place. It's that simple.

Asherlee10 posted...
It's been this way for almost 40 years.

Yeah, well that shit needs to stop. Gun nuts are just as big of a problem as criminals.
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Asherlee10 posted...
You think calling animal control when you have a charging bear, or worse a polar bear, will save your life?

Why are you putting yourself in a staring contest with a bear so regularly that you couldn't handle extra paperwork or licensing
Variable General Veeg, at your service
Voidgolem posted...
What we do need is actual firm regulation and enforcement across the board. None of this "gunshow loophole" nonsense, no more of having them be less regulated than a fucking car. You have a tool that can kill people, it needs to be handled with respect and care for that eventuality.
The car comparison misconstrues what vehicle regulations are for. Registration is just a tax, thats all it was designed for. Inspection varies by locale, with some literally as simple as do your lights, horn, and wipes work?; plus no name is tied to it. The insurance requirement would be an interesting idea, but prior to databases, cops didnt know if you had insurance or not without pulling you over; guess who got penalized the most?

If what youre suggesting is that every time someone buys a firearm, they need to carry proof of personal liability insurance for accidental death or dismemberment, Im sure the government would probably go for that. In fact, the NRA already beat you to that idea.
Where money can be made, corporations will form to profit off of it. This isnt mandated currently, but the right is already pushing it through fear tactics.
No matter our origin, we are all one family, we all share one planet, and we all need to feel loved and accepted. We are more alike than different.
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Asherlee10 posted...
It is more than just a charging bear, but you don't want to consider that self-defense and firearms is a complex discussion.

Be in favor of regulation, it solves these issues with the actual complexities that exist.

I don't think self-defense suddenly came into existence with the invention of the gun.
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Yes lets be samurai again.
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BDSMKane posted...
If what youre suggesting is that every time someone buys a firearm, they need to carry proof of personal liability insurance for accidental death or dismemberment, Im sure the government would probably go for that. In fact, the NRA already beat you to that idea.

That would be one thing, I'm primarily thinking of more bringing things up to par across the board - it should not be possible to sidestep gun regulation by going to the next state over and getting met with a resounding "well okay nothing we can do I guess the local laws are different there"
Variable General Veeg, at your service
StarFighters76 posted...
Yeah, well that needs to stop. Gun nuts are just as big of a problem as criminals.
I feel like youre not quite sure what youre saying. Automatic weapons are very rarely used to hurt people, and havent been common in decades. Anyone saying automatic weapons are a problem doesnt know what theyre talking about. The military has automatic weapons, LEO can obtain automatic weapons, but civilians do not possess them unless theyve owned them for decades typically.
No matter our origin, we are all one family, we all share one planet, and we all need to feel loved and accepted. We are more alike than different.
The type of gun control we need is for gun sellers to be liable if their guns are used for crimes. Actually functional background tests and screening will come about as a result. Any other form of gun control will ultimately just lead to police further oppressing minorities.
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Asherlee10 posted...
You think calling animal control when you have a charging bear, or worse a polar bear, will save your life?
Unless you have your gun with you as it's happening neither will your gun. Even most gun nuts wouldn't carry a gun capable of downing a bear with them if they are not actively looking for a bear.
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Current Events » Should guns be fully banned?
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