The thing about propaganda is that it works
even when you know ahead of time that it's propaganda.
False beliefs generally arise through the same mechanisms that establish accurate beliefs28,29. When deciding what is true, people are often biased to believe in the validity of information30, and go with their gut and intuitions instead of deliberating31,32. For example, in March 2020, 31% of Americans agreed that COVID-19 was purposefully created and spread33, despite the absence of any credible evidence for its intentional development. People are likely to have encountered conspiracy theories about the source of the virus multiple times, which might have contributed to this widespread belief because simply repeating a claim makes it more believable than presenting it only once34,35. This illusory truth effect arises because people use peripheral cues such as familiarity (a signal that a message has been encountered before)36, processing fluency (a signal that a message is either encoded or retrieved effortlessly)37,38 and cohesion (a signal that the elements of a message have references in memory that are internally consistent)39 as signals for truth, and the strength of these cues increases with repetition. Thus, repetition increases belief in both misinformation and facts40,41,42,43. Illusory truth can persist months after first exposure44, regardless of cognitive ability45 and despite contradictory advice from an accurate source46 or accurate prior knowledge18,47.
In short