Turkey with the most America pic of the Olympics

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Current Events » Turkey with the most America pic of the Olympics
Florida Panthers, Boston Celtics,
Texas Rangers, Kansas City Chiefs, Real Madrid #1 Fan
Don't mess with Turkey dad's daughter
I don't believe in belts. There should be no ranking system for toughness.
There are some things where I just bypass critical thinking. - ROD
How sad is it we didn't even medal in guns useless country
Hinakuluiau posted...
Nah, it's funnier to watch Erdoan have a conniption because he doesn't want his country to have the same name as a fat flightless bird
http://i.imgur.com/VeNBg.gif http://i.imgur.com/gd5jC8q.gif
http://i.imgur.com/PKIy7.gif http://i.imgur.com/3p29JqP.gif
no specialized lenses and eye cover? he's got glasses!

ear protection in shooting always seems silly because 99% of people who actually need to shoot a gun or not going to be wearing noise cancelling headphones.
I could see you, but I couldn't hear you You were holding your hat in the breeze Turning away from me In this moment you were stolen...
CADE_FOSTER posted...
How sad is it we didn't even medal in guns useless country
If the competition was with AR-15s and not air pistols, America would have won the secret Triple Mega Platinum medal.
If you're not smart enough to survive, you are basically just food for something smarter.
UnholyMudcrab posted...
Nah, it's funnier to watch Erdoan have a conniption because he doesn't want his country to have the same name as a fat flightless bird

Turkeys can fly, they just choose not to because they know they can eat every other bird on the ground if they have to.

They sleep 30+ feet up in trees.
I could see you, but I couldn't hear you You were holding your hat in the breeze Turning away from me In this moment you were stolen...
All he needed was to be holding the gun sideways
Series S + Switch
"Don't steal, stop being ignorant and respect other peoples beliefs." -perthboy on flying a Nazi flag
thronedfire2 posted...
no specialized lenses and eye cover? he's got glasses!

ear protection in shooting always seems silly because 99% of people who actually need to shoot a gun or not going to be wearing noise cancelling headphones.
I disagree. If you are planning to be in a scenario where you know youre going to be exposed to sharp, loud noises, AND you have time to apply PPE, its silly not to.
Winterking posted...
I disagree. If you are planning to be in a scenario where you know youre going to be exposed to sharp, loud noises, AND you have time to apply PPE, its silly not to.
This and Im not gun expert but I would assume the components of a bullet kind of matter if something fails or ejects backwards like the casing.
"Abbreviating "laughing out loud" is a common troll trait." AzureHero
008Zulu posted...
If the competition was with AR-15s and not air pistols, America would have won the secret Triple Mega Platinum medal.

Not inaccurate
Baha05 posted...
This and Im not gun expert but I would assume the components of a bullet kind of matter if something fails or ejects backwards like the casing.
Yep. My wifes s&w sp regularly does a poor job of ejecting the casing. Shes gotten hot brass down the front of her shirt, the back, even caught one behind the ear where it set for a spell. Its very easy to imagine catching one in the eye.
CADE_FOSTER posted...
How sad is it we didn't even medal in guns useless country
That's because they're using air pistols.
"Average Joe" is a trolling term since it's completely an opinion. "Overachieving" is also an opinion. - SBAllen (Hellhole: 52458377)
That's Turkish Hank Hill.
Sigs are rather pointless, except if it's to showcase animation and images.
Apparently he did have ear protection, ear plugs specifically from what I've read.
The commercial says that Church isn't for perfect people, I guess that's why I'm an atheist.
So much A R T
"I could never encapsulate all my cosmicality on my own."
- mr. MFN eXquire. https://imgur.com/4CDGncR
I think it's dumb they added special equipment for shooting for hand guns. Ear and eye protection is essential, but magnifying lenses and what not? wtf. Are the lenses even standardized and offered to everyone?
Less is more. Everything you want, isn't everything you need.
"Average Joe" is a trolling term since it's completely an opinion. "Overachieving" is also an opinion. - SBAllen (Hellhole: 52458377)

It's a meme; not the real story :(
( ^_^)/\(^_^ ) Maya High-Five!
"Average Joe" is a trolling term since it's completely an opinion. "Overachieving" is also an opinion. - SBAllen (Hellhole: 52458377)
https://i.imgur.com/TGkNCva.gif https://i.imgur.com/8mWCvA4.gif
Post #25 was unavailable or deleted.
thronedfire2 posted...
no specialized lenses and eye cover? he's got glasses!

ear protection in shooting always seems silly because 99% of people who actually need to shoot a gun or not going to be wearing noise cancelling headphones.

Real world situations outside war ain't gonna have you shooting 50 or 100 rounds in a short span of time either. I shot many rounds with a .22 thinking no big deal it's a fairly quiet gun. My ears still ring. Idk why one would need it for airsoft though

Specialized lenses his glasses are not. He won silver against people who use a lense that magnifies the target or something like that. It gives them some sort of advantage.
I put my heart and soul into my work and I fear I have lost my mind in the process
Current Events » Turkey with the most America pic of the Olympics