smdh Republicans going to for Birthergate 2.0 claim Kamala Harris ineligible

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Current Events » smdh Republicans going to for Birthergate 2.0 claim Kamala Harris ineligible
to be Presidential candidate due to her not being a citizen.

They did with Obama claiming he was born in Kenya
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They tried this in 2020 and when she first stepped up last week. If she wasn't eligible, she couldn't be VP.
She was literally born in California. What's the fucking problem this time.
It says right here in Matthew 16:4 "Jesus doth not need a giant Mecha."
Tyranthraxus posted...
She was literally born in California. What's the fucking problem this time.

she not white so couldn't have been born here obv

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I am seriously so sick of these lying, cheating snakes. Holy fuck. Like, at least try to make it less obvious that you're just following the playbook. Do better. Put some effort in. Don't these half-baked attempts embarrass these people? Why do they have to be so weird all the time?
There's a time and place for everything... but not now.
LinkDaLunatic posted...
I am seriously so sick of these lying, cheating snakes. Holy fuck. Like, at least try to make it less obvious that you're just following the playbook. Do better. Put some effort in. Don't these half-baked attempts embarrass these people? Why do they have to be so weird all the time?

We are not in the 2008 world anymore.

Trying to drum up this angle a second time is going to go very bad for them. Very VERY bad.
To the surprise of no one
She rings like a bell through the night

Full mask off tonight
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-ZIO- posted...
We are not in the 2008 world anymore.

Trying to drum up this angle a second time is going to go very bad for them. Very VERY bad.

Trump tried this shit with Obama his entire presidency it didn't do shit, at the time Trump was just some random guy with money and his TV show.
Getting too damn old for this crap!
They are freaking out because they have no winning arguments against Harris.
Japanese Crack:
LinkDaLunatic posted...
I am seriously so sick of these lying, cheating snakes. Holy fuck. Like, at least try to make it less obvious that you're just following the playbook. Do better. Put some effort in. Don't these half-baked attempts embarrass these people? Why do they have to be so weird all the time?
It's crazy how Republicans whole thing is Democrats cheat to win elections, yet all the people caught cheating in elections are YOU GUESSED IT - Republicans
Latest version Bitcoin Core: 27.1
Starks posted...

Full mask off tonight
Trump backstage right now
AlCalavicci posted...
she not white so couldn't have been born here obv


Also, she has a "funny" name, at least according to the racists and xenophobes.
God forbid you ever had to walk a mile in her shoes, 'cause then you really might know what it's like to have to choose. - Everlast
This is getting really pathetic
XBox Live GT: MastaMez PSN: KoolMez
The Topic Killer \_0_/
You gonna do something or just stand there and bleed?
Just another day of Republicans throwing shit at the wall desperately hoping it sticks.
Luteo posted...
It's crazy how Republicans whole thing is Democrats cheat to win elections, yet all the people caught cheating in elections are YOU GUESSED IT - Republicans

They also massively overinflate fraudulent votes they have done research on this and it's way less than 1% and most of the cases of it were mistakes not an attempt to vote twice or three times.

You see the same shit with the border crap they act like millions come over and commit crimes immediately when crime is down, and even on the border Biden tried to get something done but Trump had his buddies deny him because he wants to go on stage and cry about the border to his MAGA douches.
Getting too damn old for this crap!
This didn't benefit them previously and I don't see it doing any better now.

They're shooting themselves in the dick to appease the white supremacist fascist portion of their base.
My metal band, Ivory King, has 2 songs out now - (all of our links there so you can choose which one you'd prefer to use)
The MAGAt voters who didn't like certain Republican candidates have made the same claims about Marco Rubio, Nikki Haley, Ramsaway, Ted Cruz, and (back in 2008) John McCain (even complaining that neither 2008 candidate was eligible for presidential office!)
I think there were some MAGAt politician/public figure complaints about Nikki Haley as well. They also said pretty nasty racist things about her like using her birthname (Nimrata) as an insult.
Not surprising that Republicans can't help but resort to racism against a PoC candidate
I have nothing else to say
They are already against birthright citizenship. So yeah.
"Intelligence has no place in Politics" Londo, (Babylon Five)
Best new show of 2023, One Piece live action.
Sayoria posted...
They are freaking out because they have no winning arguments against Harris.

Yup. Full desperation mode.
I'm not here for friends. I'm here for the truth to the best of my knowledge of it, even if it's not what people want to hear.
Tyranthraxus posted...
She was literally born in California. What's the fucking problem this time.
Just racists being racist.
If you're not smart enough to survive, you are basically just food for something smarter.
RchHomieQuanChi posted...
Not surprising that Republicans can't help but resort to racism against a PoC candidate

Oddly enough they mostly go the slutshaming/misogynist route with Kamala.

Oh, yeah, the MAGAts on Free Republic who don't like Tim Scott also called him a "DEI pick" (One guy also referred to the white female veep candidates as "DEI picks")

Tyranthraxus posted...
She was literally born in California. What's the fucking problem this time.

They claim that both parents have to be American citizens born in the United States, and that the candidate must have been born on US soil. Yes, seriously.
Hyena_Of_Ice posted...
They claim that both parents have to be American citizens born in the United States, and that the candidate must have been born on US soil. Yes, seriously.
No one tell them Trump's mum was a Scottish immigrant.
If you're not smart enough to survive, you are basically just food for something smarter.
Hyena_Of_Ice posted...
Oddly enough they mostly go the slutshaming/misogynist route with Kamala.

Oh, yeah, the MAGAts on Free Republic who don't like Tim Scott also called him a "DEI pick" (One guy also referred to the white female veep candidates as "DEI picks")

They claim that both parents have to be American citizens born in the United States, and that the candidate must have been born on US soil. Yes, seriously.

Why not do it like the mob back in the old days to be a made guy you had to be able to trace your family back to the old country and be 100% pure Italian. To be President you have to be able to trace your family history back to the OG pilgrims in the first Thanksgiving.

Oh wait that would have excluded nearly every President we ever had, damn. These assholes have forgotten this is a country of immigrants, and that is how the fuck it was founded, and partly why it's great.
Getting too damn old for this crap!
Monopoman posted...
Why not do it like the mob back in the old days to be a made guy you had to be able to trace your family back to the old country and be 100% pure Italian. To be President you have to be able to trace your family history back to the OG pilgrims in the first Thanksgiving.

Oh wait that would have excluded nearly every President we ever had, damn. These assholes have forgotten this is a country of immigrants, and that is how the fuck it was founded, and partly why it's great.

There is an old myth among chuds that the Founders originally required a "naturally born citizen" who met those requirements for president (after a certain date that is, since none of the Founding Fathers were actually born in the US)
Kradek posted...
This didn't benefit them previously and I don't see it doing any better now.

They're shooting themselves in the dick to appease the white supremacist fascist portion of their base.
Fine by me. Anything which turns people away from voting for them.
The world may be going to Hell, but I am personally awash with convenience.
Hyena_Of_Ice posted...
There is an old myth among chuds that the Founders originally required a "naturally born citizen" who met those requirements for president (after a certain date that is, since none of the Founding Fathers were actually born in the US)
What are you smoking, nearly all the Founders (if not all, my break is over and I don't have time to look it up) were born in the US (well, the colonies, technically, but same diff).
The world may be going to Hell, but I am personally awash with convenience.
Starks posted...

Full mask off tonight
Amazing. So the combination KFC/Taco Bell down the street is only a Taco Bell.
The large print giveth
And the small print taketh away
The_Wheelman1 posted...
This is getting really pathetic
^ Hey now that's completely unfair!
DiScOrDtHeLuNaTiC posted...
What are you smoking, nearly all the Founders (if not all, my break is over and I don't have time to look it up) were born in the US (well, the colonies, technically, but same diff).

I thought John Quincy Adams was the first prez born in the US...
I like how they had a meeting where people told them to stop being racist and sexist and they were like "nope". Really fucking happy that disgusting hobo looking fucker Steve Bannon is in jail right now so he can't get in on this, I hope by the time he comes out Harris's win seems inevitable and he blows a gasket
A worthless existence
DiScOrDtHeLuNaTiC posted...
What are you smoking, nearly all the Founders (if not all, my break is over and I don't have time to look it up) were born in the US (well, the colonies, technically, but same diff).

Let's use July 4, 1776 as date the United States was founded so all the founding fathers were not originally American citizens how could they be when the United States didn't even exist at the time they were born. The first true American president was whoever was the first president born after July 4 1776. George Washington wasn't even an American.
Post #36 was unavailable or deleted.
PizzaPatty posted...
Let's use July 4, 1776 as date the United States was founded so all the founding fathers were not originally American citizens how could they be when the United States didn't even exist at the time they were born. The first true American president was whoever was the first president born after July 4 1776. George Washington wasn't even an American.
That's splitting hairs IMO.
The world may be going to Hell, but I am personally awash with convenience.
Anyone else see this coming from lightyears away?
The Official Odin of the Shin Megami Tensei IV board.
"You know how confusing the whole good-evil concept is for me."
Tyranthraxus posted...
She was literally born in California. What's the fucking problem this time.
Well you see, America has many racists.
7800X3D - 7900 XTX - 32GB 6000 - 1440p Ultrawide
Keep it up, Republicans. Your racism is going to guarantee she wins this election. This is a prime way to scare off swing voters in the burbs.
Hyena_Of_Ice posted...
I thought John Quincy Adams was the first prez born in the US...

Maybe if you're going by some hyper literal "USA didn't exist at first so you couldn't have been born there" definition. George Washington was born in Virginia.
It says right here in Matthew 16:4 "Jesus doth not need a giant Mecha."
Ooooooranges posted...
Keep it up, Republicans. Your racism is going to guarantee she wins this election
i really hope you're right but I have serious doubts.

^ Hey now that's completely unfair!
UnfairRepresent posted...
i really hope you're right but I have serious doubts.

Yeah, way too many racists in this country.
The Official Odin of the Shin Megami Tensei IV board.
"You know how confusing the whole good-evil concept is for me."
LightHawKnight posted...
Yeah, way too many racists in this country.
Sexists too

And Trump's cult is bigger and more unified than ever following the assassination attempt

People are overconfident in their echochambers on social media and don't realize half the people wagging their fingers won't actually turn up to vote or are all in non swing states
^ Hey now that's completely unfair!
DiScOrDtHeLuNaTiC posted...
Fine by me. Anything which turns people away from voting for them.

Verily, ye.
My metal band, Ivory King, has 2 songs out now - (all of our links there so you can choose which one you'd prefer to use)
Current Events » smdh Republicans going to for Birthergate 2.0 claim Kamala Harris ineligible