Jonathan Majors 'heartbroken' over RDJs Doctor Doom replacing Kang

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Current Events » Jonathan Majors 'heartbroken' over RDJs Doctor Doom replacing Kang
If you read this signature, then that meant that I had control of what you read for 5 SECONDS!!
Spoilers: I'm not .
Simple questions deserve long-winded answers that no one will bother to read.
Well, maybe if you had not done the stuff that got your contract nixed, this wouldn't have happened.
"Freedom was meaningless without ownership and control over one's own body" -Tera Hunter 'Joy My Freedom'
[Evil Republican] 3DS FC: 5429-7297-4842
womp womp
Maybe don't abuse women or anyone for that matter
She rings like a bell through the night
Majors: "Man, the finding out phase sure does suck"
My metal band, Ivory King, has 2 songs out now - (all of our links there so you can choose which one you'd prefer to use)
You did it to yourself.
I gotta be righteous, I gotta be me, I gotta be conscious, I gotta be free, I gotta be able, I gotta attack, I gotta be stable, I gotta be black.
Kang was lame anyway.
Seattle Seahawks
Super Bowl XLVIII Champions
Oh is Kang Dynasty canceled?
I couldn't give less of a shit about how this dude feels, he can get the fuck over it
Oops, we trained a monkey to be a fascist!
I'm disappointed as well. Kang was awesome and I'm probably in the minority but was really looking forward to seeing what they had in plan.
"People demand freedom of speech as compensation for the freedom of thought which they seldom use." Soren Kierkegaard
WingsOfGood posted...
Oh is Kang Dynasty canceled?

It's now Avengers: Doomsday in 2026 followed by Avengers: Secret Wars in 2027
As a pretty big Majors fan up until that incident, he only has himself to blame.

Up until that point he appeared to have had a squeaky clean record and was on a mega rise. Then that happened, other things came out, and it's clear he's just an asshole.

So fuck him for fucking up the MCU.
Why he upset now? Wasn't he fired like a year ago?
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Creed 3 was pretty good.
"People demand freedom of speech as compensation for the freedom of thought which they seldom use." Soren Kierkegaard
careful when he's mad, he might just hit you violently multiple times

oh wait so far it's only been women right? maybe we're safe then

Disclaimer: There's a good chance the above post could be sarcasm.
Die-hard Oakland A's fan --- Keep the A's in Oakland!
Oh no..anyway
Michigan Wolverines 30 to Ohio state 24: 11/25/23
Michigan Wolverines Football:15-0 ,Rose Bowl Champions&National Champions
Yeah I don't really care if this guy is heartbroken.
Jonathan Majors is one of the all time biggest bag fumblers in history.
Majors did this to himself.

I would've enjoyed the Kang stuff way more than this desperation move of bringing RDJ back, but it is what it is now. They coulda just recast Kang with someone else, but just gonna have to accept Doom will never get done justice in live action.
Watch our "BLEACH Can't Fear Your Own World" full fandub:
Even factoring out the real-life abuse, I personally was not interested in MCU Kang at all. The Loki TV show took a nosedive as soon as he stepped onto the scene and never recovered, and the failings of Quantumania have been well-documented (ironically, the only time I thought he was a good actor was when he was clearly trying and failing to hold in a very nasty temper). I do believe comic books fans when they say he's awesome and has a lot of potential, but unfortunately none of that potential effectively translated to the screen imo.
Simple questions deserve long-winded answers that no one will bother to read.
Post #22 was unavailable or deleted.
even comic kang is one of marvel's biggest jobbers
When you kill a man, you're a murderer. Kill many, and you're a conqueror. Kill them all, oh you're a god.
Find Out.
BDSMKane posted...
You dont have to like him, you dont have to forgive him, but he deserves the same job opportunities as anyone else.
I write Naruto Fanfiction. But I am definitely not a furry.
Womp womp.

Don't care.
i7-13700K, GIGABYTE Z790, EVGA XC3 3070, 64GB G-SKILL DDR5, LG 32" 165hz 1440p
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BDSMKane posted...
You dont have to like him, you dont have to forgive him, but he deserves the same job opportunities as anyone else.

I don't know about that in this case. When you make a movie with an insane budget like an MCU movie it's going to be very hard to market when people see a dude in a trailer and go "Hey, isn't that the wifebeater?".
He'll likely have to lay low for a few years and most people will have moved on, but he won't be headlining blockbusters ever again.
HighSeraph posted...
Maybe don't abuse women or anyone for that matter

Ezra Miller though... shouldnt have never gotten a second chance.
Post #30 was unavailable or deleted.
TheSavageDragon posted...
I don't know about that in this case. When you make a movie with an insane budget like an MCU movie it's going to be very hard to market when people see a dude in a trailer and go "Hey, isn't that the wifebeater?".
He'll likely have to lay low for a few years and most people will have moved on, but he won't be headlining blockbusters ever again.
Why not? Hollywood is full of people who did awful things and made a comeback or never even got charged or canceled. Im trying hard not to play that card, but it seems pretty obvious to me.
No matter our origin, we are all one family, we all share one planet, and we all need to feel loved and accepted. We are more alike than different.
I said this a while ago but I think they should have Kang try to attack earth but suddenly Doom appears and wipes Kang or the Kangs out (I've only seen him in Antman 3. Only heard he has clones apparently)

Then the Avengers realize the real threat is Doom
Ezra Miller though... shouldnt have never gotten a second chance.
To be fair, they didn't film the Kang Dynasty or Secret Wars when this happened. So it's not even the same thing. Flash was completed and reshot a dozen times. It's not like it all happened when he was cast for the role, it all happened after the film had finished filming and in between their various reshoots.
BDSMKane posted...
Same. I talked about this in another topic.

Honestly, cancel culture just annoys me in general, especially if its something that was prosecuted and sentenced. The goal of the justice system is to provide proper punishment for crimes committed, and if someone pays their dues, I dont like holding it against them. The fact hes probably a millionaire makes it a bit different than the excon mopping floors, but its the same persecution of people for past mistakes mentality.

You dont have to like him, you dont have to forgive him, but he deserves the same job opportunities as anyone else. The fact they canceled his entire character and brought back RDJ feels excessive. Could have at least given a different black actor an opportunity to step into those shoes.
im sorry, domestic violence is not cancel culture. A company who does not want to work with a domestic abuser does not have to.

If you dont want to be shunned as a domestic abuser dont beat women i guess?

Hee Ho
SHRlKE posted...
I'm disappointed as well. Kang was awesome and I'm probably in the minority but was really looking forward to seeing what they had in plan.

Yeah, seems like it'd be a fairly easy role to recast.
"Something's wrong! Murder isn't working and that's all we're good at." ~Futurama
BDSMKane posted...
cancel culture

I feel proud of myself for never taking you seriously.
Simple questions deserve long-winded answers that no one will bother to read.
BDSMKane posted...
Why not? Hollywood is full of people who did awful things and made a comeback or never even got charged or canceled. Im trying hard not to play that card, but it seems pretty obvious to me.

And most of those people are not headlining massive blockbuster movies produced by Disney of all companies. WB doesn't seem to give a shit with still putting Ezra Miller front and center. But Disney is quick to nip it in the bud, like they have done to multiple actors.
Zikten posted...
I said this a while ago but I think they should have Kang try to attack earth but suddenly Doom appears and wipes Kang or the Kangs out (I've only seen him in Antman 3. Only heard he has clones apparently)

Then the Avengers realize the real threat is Doom
I thought they just needed to establish Kang more throughout phase 4 and 5. He only appeared in 2 seasons of Loki and Ant-Man, despite there being like 15~ different films and series in that span.

Their issue was simply not making him matter at all. That's on writing and plotting, not the actor or character. No idea what happened with Feige, but he was normally very good at plotting out impactful moments throughout phases, but here there really wasn't anything leading us to Kang on screen. Loki was a fine show, 1 and 2 were fun, but if all of your build for a character is on a TV show and nothing more, that's kind of bad planning.

Various Kang's should have already shown up as villains or foils.
TheSavageDragon posted...
And most of those people are not headlining massive blockbuster movies produced by Disney of all companies. WB doesn't seem to give a shit with still putting Ezra Miller front and center. But Disney is quick to nip it in the bud, like they have done to multiple actors.
I wasnt going to bring up Miller, but has he even been charged with anything? Majors is actually serving his sentence like a proper citizen should.
No matter our origin, we are all one family, we all share one planet, and we all need to feel loved and accepted. We are more alike than different.
BDSMKane posted...
I wasnt going to bring up Miller, but has he even been charged with anything? Majors is actually serving his sentence like a proper citizen should.
Bro you can stop, you got the reaction you wanted. Now it's just getting silly.
I write Naruto Fanfiction. But I am definitely not a furry.
HighSeraph posted...
Maybe don't abuse women or anyone for that matter

She stole his phone, verbally assaulted him and chased him down a street when he ran. Its all on video.

He did wrong too. He retaliated far too harshly and his text history is not pretty. but this case wasn't as open snd shut as some treat it as.
The succotash is suffering.
BDSMKane posted...
Honestly, cancel culture just annoys me in general

*punches women*

"guys, I'm being cancelled!"

BDSMKane: "poor guy, can i make you some cocoa?"
PSN: ArsenalGear, NNID: CrimsonG80, XB GT: CrimsonG80
Last game(s) finished: Senua's Saga: Hellblade II (XSX), Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice (XSX)
Gobstoppers12 posted...
Bro you can stop, you got the reaction you wanted. Now it's just getting silly.
I didnt say it for a reaction. I understand that this place is frequently not conducive for good communication, but thats why Im spending my time posting.
No matter our origin, we are all one family, we all share one planet, and we all need to feel loved and accepted. We are more alike than different.
BDSMKane posted...
Same. I talked about this in another topic.

Honestly, cancel culture just annoys me in general, especially if its something that was prosecuted and sentenced. The goal of the justice system is to provide proper punishment for crimes committed, and if someone pays their dues, I dont like holding it against them. The fact hes probably a millionaire makes it a bit different than the excon mopping floors, but its the same persecution of people for past mistakes mentality.

You dont have to like him, you dont have to forgive him, but he deserves the same job opportunities as anyone else. The fact they canceled his entire character and brought back RDJ feels excessive. Could have at least given a different black actor an opportunity to step into those shoes.

Kang will be back. He has to be in secret wars or another project. They already set him up as the man at the end of time.

It likely won't be Majors tho. If he plays his cards right he can make a comeback but it will take time.
The succotash is suffering.
Toonstrack posted...
She stole his phone, verbally assaulted him and chased him down a street when he ran. Its all on video.

He did wrong too. He retaliated far too harshly and his text history is not pretty. but this case wasn't as open snd shut as some treat it as.
theres no fucking way you are an actual majors defender

what the fuck
Hee Ho
BDSMKane posted...
I didnt say it for a reaction. I understand that this place is frequently not conducive for good communication, but thats why Im spending my time posting.
Then you're even more wrong than I initially thought. Please stop defending an abuser who lost his huge multimillion dollar acting job because he is an abuser.
I write Naruto Fanfiction. But I am definitely not a furry.
ssb_yunglink2 posted...
theres no fucking way you are an actual majors defender

what the fuck

Where did it look like I was defending him?

I said his situation wasn't treated fairly in the case. His firing was justified and his tweets were bad.

Read the post.
The succotash is suffering.
Post #48 was unavailable or deleted.
BDSMKane posted...
I didnt say it for a reaction. I understand that this place is frequently not conducive for good communication

Thats a friggin understatement.
The succotash is suffering.
Ezra Miller though... shouldnt have never gotten a second chance.
He did way worse things and I can't fathom why he isn't cancelled.
Above all things, never be afraid. The enemy who forces you to retreat is himself afraid of you at that very moment.
BDSMKane posted...
I wasnt going to bring up Miller, but has he even been charged with anything? Majors is actually serving his sentence like a proper citizen should.

AFAIK they've been charged with multiple things including burglary, second degree assault and harassment. I don't know how those cases are going and don't care to find out. Miller just lucked out that WB had way too much riding on The Flash and had already invested quite heavily in it. If The Flash were at the concept stage like Kang Dynasty was, their ass likely and rightfully would have been canned.
Current Events » Jonathan Majors 'heartbroken' over RDJs Doctor Doom replacing Kang
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