Lmao, did AceMos get big mad from being trolled on a game board again? Or did they post something naughty here.
SSMajinVegeta2 suspended was hardcore magaing out of nowhere never seen that acct beforeIt's an account from way back that abruptly decided to come back and start spouting MAGA shit.
SSMajinVegeta2 suspended was hardcore magaing out of nowhere never seen that acct before
SSMajinVegeta2 suspended was hardcore magaing out of nowhere never seen that acct before
Correction: AceMos was able to negotiate it down to a Warning.
Correction: AceMos was able to negotiate it down to a Warning.How do you negotiate when you're in a suspended status even?
How do you negotiate when you're in a suspended status even?
Beats me. I'm interested, too.Yeah, warned posters can post in CE now.
AceMos needs to speak up.
SSMajinVegeta2 suspended was hardcore magaing out of nowhere never seen that acct beforeI had that account tagged as a chud for a long time.
Uptake in Posts and Topics in July!
Users However Have Continued To Drop which means less people are posting but those who are posting are posting more!
How do you negotiate when you're in a suspended status even?
Welp, that'll do it.
but she did
You can't; you have to sit through your purg sentence, first.
Isn't Fandom run by right-wingers? Of course they don't like that she pointed that out.It sure looks that way
... How? I fail to see how that post was offensive AT ALL. The offensive part is what Marvel did, not that she is reporting what they did. Shouldn't have been modded at all .
CoyoteTheGreat upgraded to Purg already.
Jaguar34 is SUSPENDED!
Jaguar34 is SUSPENDED!that user was a scourge on the anime board at times. The theories theyd post about mostly underage characters having sex despite absolutely no subtext in the show itself were wild
that user was a scourge on the anime board at times. The theories theyd post about mostly underage characters having sex despite absolutely no subtext in the show itself were wildI wish I could say I was surprised.
Toonstrack suspendedThat one was a long time coming. What a troll.
Yeah that looks like a fair moderation to meAbsolutely fair, but I thought the suspension rule was only regarding posts made on CE, not a sitewide thing. Won't be losing any sleep if Toon and his shit alt are permanently gone because of this, but I'm curious.
This guy wants back inRofl
Mods were like LOL NOPE
This guy wants back in
Mods were like LOL NOPE