Has anyone else been playing PokeRogue?

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Current Events » Has anyone else been playing PokeRogue?
I just had to share my achievement. Beat Classic mode in only 8 runs.


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never heard of it, sounds interesting
"We would have no NBA possibly if they got rid of all the flopping." ~ Dwyane Wade
no, but it looks cool, so i'll check it out
evening main 2.4356848e+91
solosnake posted...
never heard of it, sounds interesting

Guide posted...
no, but it looks cool, so i'll check it out
Very addictive and easy to learn, but watching a video on it or reading through the provided guides are helpful.

Edit: Also, rivals are gender-locked, which I wasn't aware of when starting, so if you want a girl rival, pick a boy trainer.

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What is it?
Dakimakura posted...
What is it?
Browser based pokemon rogue like

Tried it, was good but rogue likes aren't really my thing.
Dakimakura posted...
What is it?
It's a roguelike with Pokemon. You start off with the Fire, Water, and Grass starters from each gen, but can unlock more starters (read other Pokemon) as you progress in the game by catching them or hatching eggs. In classic mode, there are 200 floors, where you'll encounter wild Pokemon, trainers, your Rival several times, Teams like Plasma and Ghetsis, an Elite Four if you make it far enough, then eventually the final boss. Your Pokemon can get up to level 200 in classic mode, and upon completing that mode, you unlock Endless mode where Pokemon levels can get into the tens of thousands or higher.
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Without truth, there is nothing.
I dabbled in it but don't have time to really sink into it. Fun though
"Friends don't let friends watch The Big Bang Theory" - mogar002
GeminiDeus posted...
you unlock Endless mode where Pokemon levels can get into the tens of thousands or higher.
That just sounds exhausting.
He/Him http://guidesmedia.ign.com/guides/9846/images/slowpoke.gif https://i.imgur.com/M8h2ATe.png
DrizztLink posted...
That just sounds exhausting.
Well, you gather up a lot of exp boosting items pretty fast, and you get a level basically every battle. Held items are stackable, so you can deck out your party to become really OP, but all the while you have level caps before moving onto a new zone. There's just a ton of things to collect and unlock, but it never feels like a chore. And the AI trainers are really smart as well, switching out of bad matchups and into having the advantage.
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Endless does end a bit before 6000 because of how it works unless they changed that but reaching that still takes a long ass time and needs specific builds. Levels also stop mattering after so many unless going for a Night Shade strat because stat increases become meaningless.
3DS FC: 2380-2873-6073 Sun IGN: Evelyn Sword IGN: Fiora
Not when Emerald Rogue 2.0 recently came out.
Played it a ton but dropped it for now. My coolest starters were a Shiny Battle Bond Froakie with 3/4 of its egg moves, a Tier-2 Shiny Tinkatuff, a Latias, Chi-Yu, Rayquaza, Shiny Sticky Web Caterpie, an Abra with Flamethrower and Moonblast, a Shiny Tyrogue that allows me to start with any Shiny Hitmon as well, a Zapdos, and a bunch of other cool stuff. But its way too grindy for my tastes if youre trying to get all the Pokemon and passives etc
Patient Gamer
I have watched a couple videos of people playing it.

I prefer the videos about the fan game where you can fuse two pokemon together. And yes, there are plenty of "cursed" combos.

I am the Hunter of Topics. My post never fails to kill its prey.
*pounces* Nyaa!
So... remember Pokemon Uranium?

I am the Hunter of Topics. My post never fails to kill its prey.
*pounces* Nyaa!
Sephiroth_C_Ryu posted...
I have watched a couple videos of people playing it.

I prefer the videos about the fan game where you can fuse two pokemon together. And yes, there are plenty of "cursed" combos.
Fusion is also available in PokeRogue, but I've yet to encounter the Splicer in any of my runs so far, and from what I've seen from screenshots it doesn't have the same wonderful sprites from the Fusion game.

discodancer77 posted...
Played it a ton but dropped it for now. My coolest starters were a Shiny Battle Bond Froakie with 3/4 of its egg moves, a Tier-2 Shiny Tinkatuff, a Latias, Chi-Yu, Rayquaza, Shiny Sticky Web Caterpie, an Abra with Flamethrower and Moonblast, a Shiny Tyrogue that allows me to start with any Shiny Hitmon as well, a Zapdos, and a bunch of other cool stuff. But its way too grindy for my tastes if youre trying to get all the Pokemon and passives etc
I've only got 3 shinies so far; a tier 3 Zubat, tier 2 Throh, and tier 1 Combee. I don't mind the grind (yet) and get those dopamine hits whenever I encounter something new. Don't know how long I'll be playing this, but it's the game I've been putting the most hours into of any games I've played over the past 2 weeks.
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I actually got the DNA Splicer just a couple minutes ago!



It's Tsareena and Corviknight. I just need a Fire-type with Flash Fire on my team now to bait switch, but I don't know the path to the fire area and don't have a map yet.
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Make sure you keep that fusion on your team until the end. Thats how you unlock Fused Endless.
Patient Gamer
Surprised Nintendo or Pokemon Company didn't try to take this down, but I think as long as the devs don't make any money out of it (and it's fairly niche as well).
discodancer77 posted...
Make sure you keep that fusion on your team until the end. Thats how you unlock Fused Endless.
Assuming I make it to the end this run, I will. I have a bad habit of making teams with overlapping weaknesses, like I did manage to find a Flash Fire Ceruledge, but I also have a Gholdengo and Galarian Slowbro, so that's Ground, Ghost, and Dark overlapping for half my team. Tsaknight also won't be very good against Eternatus , and I'll have to find a good Fairy type to bait/resist its attacks. Most of my lengthier runs end at floors 145 or 195 because of my rival, or even whenever it is the evil team leader shows up for the 2nd encounter, which is Cyrus this run.
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lol, I got to Eternatus again and barely beat it and he fainted... but my last Pokemon was poisoned and fainted at the end of the turn and I frickin lost the battle because of it. I was all set to catch it before entering the battle since it's not my first run, but then I remembered I need to fill the Pokedex first.
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I freaking did it! Also you can change your Trainer in the options and aren't stuck with being one or the other.

Ceruledge and Galarian Slowbro really came through in the end. Eternatus kept on using its attacks on my team mates, and I got to Swords Dance 3 times and do some supereffective hits.
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GeminiDeus posted...
Swords Dance 3 times

GeminiDeus posted...
some supereffective hits
how durable is this motherfucker
He/Him http://guidesmedia.ign.com/guides/9846/images/slowpoke.gif https://i.imgur.com/M8h2ATe.png
DrizztLink posted...
how durable is this motherfucker
It has 5 health bars, the ability Pressure, gets stat boosts every time you get past a health bar, the move Recover, and steals one held item from your Pokemon at the end of every turn, which means the more decked out your team is, the more the opponent improves itself. It's durable as fuck.
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It's like you're imaginary-fighting That One Kid's self-created Pokemon at recess
He/Him http://guidesmedia.ign.com/guides/9846/images/slowpoke.gif https://i.imgur.com/M8h2ATe.png
I'm hopelessly addicted
http://www.last.fm/user/KobeSystem92 | https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1350834593843314690/EnpFvstZ_400x400.jpg
Oh right I havent played since they implemented evil teams. I should check it out again.
Patient Gamer
Since I unlocked it, last night I tried a run on Endless Spliced and miraculously encountered one of the rarest Pokemon very early.


But I failed on floor 20 to a Girafarig/Deerling boss with Stomp and the Parental Bond ability and my team either flinched or fainted every single turn. I started a new Classic run this morning to try unlocking more starters instead of giving Spliced another shot.
Without truth, there is nothing.
Storm101 posted...
Not when Emerald Rogue 2.0 recently came out.
I think I prefer Emerald rogue 2, that game is brutally fun in hard mode.

I think I got too 92%+ pokedex on pokerogue but only missing legendry pokemon. I'll probably come back once they add a little bit more than just evil teams, both are fun games.
Just completed my 3rd successful run on Classic mode by barely scraping by with one survivor. Crobat's Haze was extremely useful in the final battle.
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I'm only at 5 shinies so far, but one of them is an Iron Thorns. Most of the Pokemon I have yet to obtain are legendaries and mythicals. From Gen 1 non-legendaries, I'm somehow missing Shellder, even though I'm pretty sure I've caught some Cloyster, and Chansey, which I assume has a really low encounter rate.

Still only 3 successful Classic runs, but I'm less concerned about that now as I am about obtaining candies and egg vouchers.
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I ALMOST KO'd Calyrex.


My first Legendary capture.

Edit: Encountered Meloetta immediately afterward! She's an Ultra Rare encounter and I got her first floor of the next dome!


She freaking has Perish Song! But she might have Sound Proof as a passive ability, because whenever she uses it, she doesn't have a countdown. I've been savescumming to get her before Perish Song ends, but I have no Master Ball and depending on who I send out, she either uses Perish Song right away or uses it in a couple turns. Guess I'll just have to risk her having Sound Proof, because every attempt to catch her has failed.
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Finally managed to catch Meloetta on the last possible turn. She had used up all of her PP except for 1 and was going to use Struggle on the next turn if I couldn't capture her. It took so freaking many approaches to get her down to that low of health, as everything else I tried either had the HP too high or ended up knocking her out.
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I had a really good run this morning with my ultra rare encounters, including this little fella.


Thankfully it only took one Ultra Ball (as Beast Balls do not exist) and I added it to my team.


Despite its bad nature, it help give me my 4th successful Classic mode run thanks to its Beast Boost ability.
Without truth, there is nothing.
GeminiDeus posted...

Finally managed to catch Meloetta on the last possible turn. She had used up all of her PP except for 1 and was going to use Struggle on the next turn if I couldn't capture her. It took so freaking many approaches to get her down to that low of health, as everything else I tried either had the HP too high or ended up knocking her out.

Do you save before these encounters?
http://www.last.fm/user/KobeSystem92 | https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1350834593843314690/EnpFvstZ_400x400.jpg
KobeSystem posted...
Do you save before these encounters?
Yeah, the game auto-saves at the start of every encounter. If you accidentally KO the Pokemon, you can just wait until the rewards screen then Save & Quit, then reload, and it'll start at the beginning of the battle and you can try a different approach.
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do the levels over 90 give new moves or is it just stats?
I could see you, but I couldn't hear you You were holding your hat in the breeze Turning away from me In this moment you were stolen...
thronedfire2 posted...
do the levels over 90 give new moves or is it just stats?
Stats, but some rewards are Memory Mushrooms that let you remember moves that you've replaced, and there are also TMs that can show up.
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Just encountered this but I don't have the time to try fighting it tonight.

Without truth, there is nothing.
It be cool if someone found a way to convert that web browser game into some kinda android app that can run that game

edit: nvm seems to run on my iPhone. Didnt wanna load up for a sec for some reason
I bought the Taito Egret II Mini just to play puchi carat
Dungeon Travelers 2 on steam, pls. I need that game in my life, it's like a drug
Homeless_Waifu posted...
It be cool if someone found a way to convert that web browser game into some kinda android app that can run that game

edit: nvm seems to run on my iPhone. Didnt wanna load up for a sec for some reason
Runs on Android, too, but I prefer to play on PC. Hope you have fun.
Without truth, there is nothing.
Unintentionally woke up early and decided to play some more and caught Enamorus with one attempt. I've gotten up to the (randomly selected) Elite 4 and have had a surprisingly hard time against the Kalos region's Elites and Champion.
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Lost an Endless run yesterday around the high 400's floor, maybe 470 or so, from a Boss Venusaur with Chlorophyll + Thick Fat with Solar Beam in sunny weather. Didn't have any Fire-types on my team and all my other Pokemon got 1-shot. Didn't stand a chance.
Without truth, there is nothing.
Forgot to take a screen shot, but I encountered and caught a Marshadow earlier. I thankfully had a Master Ball so it wasn't as tedious as the Meloetta encounter.

Also just now encountered my first wild shiny.

Without truth, there is nothing.
Just defeated Giovanni, who has a fucking Mewtwo on his team, but thankfully its only Psychic attack was Future Sight and my Beedrill took him down.
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I forgot to take screen shots, but I encountered and caught a Mesprit this morning, and hatched a Kyurem from a Legendary egg. I thought it was going to be Mewtwo because it has increased odds today, but I needed Kyurem as well.

Then I hatched this little fella just a few minutes ago.

Without truth, there is nothing.
I had some more luck with eggs.


Without truth, there is nothing.

Found the rarest item in the game this morning and I didn't even really need it because Hoopa's ability also steals foe's items on every attack, but I got an achievement from it as well.
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Current Events » Has anyone else been playing PokeRogue?
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