I'm off work until Thursday AMA

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Current Events » I'm off work until Thursday AMA
Or not, it's okay.
She rings like a bell through the night
What's your favorite job you've ever had?
Feeling really good.
Faceless goofus in a sea of alts
You gonna clean the bathroom?
I am too. What time do you go back? Im a 2nd shifter so I start work at 1500 Thursday. I get ready and leave the house around 1410. I like to get there about 1425.
PSN ID: sled_dogs76
60" Pioneer Kuro Elite PRO151FD, Yamaha RX-V3900 A/V Receiver, Oppo DV983-H player. Coming soon: 2 Seaton Submersives from Mark Seaton
You gonna finally do that thing you've been putting off?
Post #6 was unavailable or deleted.
Anony1125 posted...
What's your favorite job you've ever had?
It's hard to say tbh most of have been pretty shitty retail jobs my current job is alright
R1masher posted...
You gonna clean the bathroom?
Cleaned it before my niece visited the other day but maybe
archizzy posted...
I am too. What time do you go back?
Ivynn posted...
You gonna finally do that thing you've been putting off?
Probably not
ImAMarvel posted...
What're you gonna do now that you're off from work?
I dunno, my boss let me go home an hour early so I have extra time to do nothing
She rings like a bell through the night
Current Events » I'm off work until Thursday AMA