What is the 7th color of the rainbow?

Current Events

Current Events » What is the 7th color of the rainbow?
Sir Isaac Newton postulated that were 7 distinct colors of the visible spectrum, roughly corresponding with the musical scale (because why not?). To that end he included Indigo as the 7th color between Blue and Violet.


However, modern 7-color models tend to use Cyan (or "light blue") as the 7th color instead as opposed to Indigo (or "dark blue").


So which is it?
Do not write in this space.
Of course, the Pride Flag omits the 7th color entirely because who needs it.
Do not write in this space.
Violet is seventh, after Indigo.
Will the little voice in the back of my mind screaming "This is a bad idea" please yield the floor. --Mikey
Chivalry be hanged, and so will you.
Roy G Biv.

Violet for me.
PSN ID: sled_dogs76
60" Pioneer Kuro Elite PRO151FD, Yamaha RX-V3900 A/V Receiver, Oppo DV983-H player. Coming soon: 2 Seaton Submersives from Mark Seaton
HylianFox posted...
Of course, the Pride Flag omits the 7th color entirely because who needs it.

The original pride flag was going to include pink and turquoise, but those were omitted due to scarcity of those color cloths when it came time for the parade.
Will the little voice in the back of my mind screaming "This is a bad idea" please yield the floor. --Mikey
Chivalry be hanged, and so will you.

However, other more modern variants change distinction to add cyan and remove indigo. Either way, they always end in violet.

I'm not here for friends. I'm here for the truth to the best of my knowledge of it, even if it's not what people want to hear.
the color of the wind
we're all on a ship. we know where it's bound
death comes calling. you won't hear a sound
pjnelson posted...

However, other more modern variants change distinction to add cyan and remove indigo. Either way, they always end in violet.

Indigo and Violet are pretty much the same color.
He's all alone through the day and night.
archizzy posted...
Roy G Biv.

Violet for me.

Cookin like a chef, I'm a 5 Star Michelin
LonelyStoner posted...
Indigo and Violet are pretty much the same color.
Indigo is much closer to blue than to violet
http://i.imgur.com/VeNBg.gif http://i.imgur.com/gd5jC8q.gif
http://i.imgur.com/PKIy7.gif http://i.imgur.com/3p29JqP.gif
Indigo is nothing. It's just blue-purple. It's like red-orange but less distinct. Roy G. Biv is full of shit.
Hambo's alt.
lol to kinda colorblind me, it makes no sense to stick a color between blue and purple because blue and purple look basically alike to me
we're all on a ship. we know where it's bound
death comes calling. you won't hear a sound
UnholyMudcrab posted...
Indigo is much closer to blue than to violet
Blue is blue and purple is purple.
He's all alone through the day and night.
HylianFox posted...
Of course, the Pride Flag omits the 7th color entirely because who needs it.
My Mario Maker 2 ID is 6RG-5XK-JCG
Roy G Biv rolling in his grave
evening main 2.4356848e+91
Giacomo_Hawkins posted...
Violet is seventh, after Indigo.

Guide posted...
Roy G Biv rolling in his grave
Good, keep rolling. Indigo ain't special.
Hambo's alt.
What kinda monster put Cyan in there to ruin the mnemonic device?

This is as bad as when they demoted Pluto and ruined "My Very Eager Mom Just Served Us Nine Pizzas"

What do kids even learn now!?
I write Naruto Fanfiction. But I am definitely not a furry.
You typed the wrong number in the topic title, or this is a shitpost
his comparison suggests we're closet african americans.
I do be streaming: http://www.twitch.tv/blah_blahx
Gobstoppers12 posted...
What kinda monster put Cyan in there to ruin the mnemonic device?

This is as bad as when they demoted Pluto and ruined "My Very Eager Mom Just Served Us Nine Pizzas"

What do kids even learn now!?
My Very Esteemed Mother Just Served Us Nachos.

Mnemonics can change to fit the facts. Or if there isn't one available, you just gotta learn the things. Six colors isn't so hard.
Hambo's alt.
I think TC means "7th" as in not the main 6 Primary/Secondary colors
Currently Streaming: Avatar TLA, Homeland, Star Trek: Discovery, Fallout, X-Men 97
Nobody I know has ever used indigo in casual conversation. It doesn't deserve to be identified in a rainbow.

Rainbow Dashing: "it's just star wars"
AutumnEspirit: *kissu*
Do not write in this space.
Roy G Biv right?
Purple, or whatever the fancy name.
You have the right to remain silent. Anything you posted will be misquoted, then be used against you.
we're all on a ship. we know where it's bound
death comes calling. you won't hear a sound
There's something off about the OP and poll and I'm kinda feeling like the only one seeing it.

Edit: oh a few others are pointing it out too.
HylianFox posted...
roughly corresponding with the musical scale (because why not?)
There are SO many reasons why not, lol.

1. The selection of seven notes for the major scale is largely arbitrary on top of being largely arbitrary. Western musical scales are all subsets of the twelve-tone chromatic scale, in which each octave is divided into twelve tones whose frequencies form an exponential sequence leading evenly into the next octave, at which the frequency is doubled. But this is a really messy approximation of what good actually sounds like.

The idea behind the major triad, for example, is that you take a frequency and add odd overtones on top of it, scaled to within a single octave. So you could have an A at 440Hz, then at a 3:2 ratio, 660Hz, then at a 5:4 ratio, 550Hz. But this isn't actually possible with the chromatic scale because 5:4 (1.25) is between 2^(3/12) and 2^(4/12). The C# at 440*2^(4/12) (554.365Hz) is noticeably out of tune. The E at 659.255 is pretty close but still not exact. The reason we deal with this is probably because it's easier than adding some kind of on-the-fly tuning mechanism to a piano.

Why would you want to imitate a system that messed up?

2. The heptatonic major scale is not evenly spaced. Chosing seven of the twelve notes of the chromatic scale ensures that it can't be. The pairs of major third and perfect fourth, and major seventh and octave are one note (a half step) apart from each other, while other adjacent pairs are two (a whole step). Copying this exactly would have landed us with a spectrum something like red, orange, yellow, yellow-green, green-cyan, blue-magenta, red-magenta. Which is obviously dumb.

As is, we have an extra Indigo between red and violet, which pits your two half-intervals next to each other. Any kindergarten can tell you indigo and violet are just two purples.

3. Because the color space implies 3, 6, 9 or 12, but not 7.

Actually, we shouldn't be referring to the rainbow by the color space of pigments anyway. Using the RGB color space, our primary colors are red, green and blue, our secondary colors are yellow, cyan and magenta, and our tertiary colors are... well, it depends on how you define the term. In traditional color theory, there are three and in terms of light they would just be lighter versions of the primaries, but in modern colloquial usage there are six that are in between the primaries and secondaries: orange, chartreuse, spring, azure, violet, rose.

To use all of the colors up to a certain level, we should have 3, 6, 9 or 12. 7 is just cherry-picking a tertiary color to add to the primaries and secondaries. And frankly, if we were going to do that anyway, it should be orange. Red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, magenta.
There's a difference between canon and not-stupid.
R ichard O f Y ork G ave B attle I n V ain

Which means the 7th colour has been and always will be violet.
RetuenOfDevsman posted...
There are SO many reasons why not, lol.

Yeah, I was being sarcastic.
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I fought the Trumble and the Trumble won.
Current Events » What is the 7th color of the rainbow?