Anyone tried the Boo dating app?

Current Events

Current Events » Anyone tried the Boo dating app?
I'm trying it for the first time, seeing if it's any good.
Is that the one where everybody ghosts?
I was a God, Valeria. I found it...beneath me. - Dr. Doom

Kind of looks more like Kirby than a boo.
Many Bothans died to bring you this post.
yeah but it was when the app was still pretty new

i'd say, overall i had more actual convos w/ ppl i matched with there, but in terms of actual meetups bumble is still the best in my experience.
so, like boo, i'd have convos w/ prob 90% of matches, but only met up w/ 10% of that 90% (this is partly due to how few users were on there at the time, for a lot of my matches it said she was 100+ miles away)
on bumble, prob only 50% of matches messaged me, but i've gone on at least one date w/ every girl who's messaged me on there.
Anyone use dating apps and get to the end of users without really any matches?
I see anecdotes like the one above and feel confused as to what I'm doing to not get dates.
Even people at work have like no thoughts or advice as to how I could date better. I'm me, I'm honest, I'm straight forward, I'm nice, I'm young looking, etc.

I thought plenty of fish had like an infinite amount of users and...nope.
I've had zero success on bumble. Black people meet has been the most "successful".
Warning: Sometimes biased
pedro45 posted...
Anyone use dating apps and get to the end of users without really any matches?
I see anecdotes like the one above and feel confused as to what I'm doing to not get dates.
Even people at work have like no thoughts or advice as to how I could date better. I'm me, I'm honest, I'm straight forward, I'm nice, I'm young looking, etc.

I thought plenty of fish had like an infinite amount of users and...nope.
I've had zero success on bumble. Black people meet has been the most "successful".

That happened to me a lot on Hiki (a dating app for people with asd).
Current Events » Anyone tried the Boo dating app?