The economy is literally forcing me to quit drinking and smoking

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Current Events » The economy is literally forcing me to quit drinking and smoking
a case of beer and cigarettes can easily run you over 20 bucks now. You looking at over $100 a week I gotta save that money
buss on life
Or just don't be poor
Confirmed unbiased
You're being forced to quit poisoning yourself. Sue them.
Economy doing you a favor
Sack to crack, going to town
So the economy is healthy for you?

*takes swig of scotch irl*
Irregardless, for all intensive purposes, I could care less.
I'd be more worried about the quality of the beer you're drinking
if your electric car runs out of juice do you walk to the charging station for a jerry can of electricity?
Thats why I drink 8.5% cans, I only need 4 of them
I could see you, but I couldn't hear you You were holding your hat in the breeze Turning away from me In this moment you were stolen...
Thanks a lot, No Smokin' Joe.
See you next Wednesday.
thronedfire2 posted...
Thats why I drink 8.5% cans, I only need 4 of them
That's why I drank 99 Black Cherries.
MarcoRubio posted...
Or just don't be poor
username checks out
buss on life
But stonks go bbrrrr
Lancool II | Z690 Tomahawk |12700K | Fuma 2 | RTX 3070Ti | 16GB
3600MHz | FireCuda 530 1TB | Inland NVMe 1TB | RM750x
projectpat72988 posted...
You're being forced to quit poisoning yourself. Sue them.

nah Ive been wanting to quit for a while anyway
buss on life
thronedfire2 posted...
Thats why I drink 8.5% cans, I only need 4 of them

I used to just get a Steelie every now and again from the corner store but I just switched to bottom shelf vodka when the Steelies went to $4 a pop.
How can the moon landing be real if the moon isn't real?

The economy just saved your life.
You can't drink or smoke anymore because of the economy? Thanks Biden. Putting Americans first!
roll your own cigs or switch to a refillable vape.

rolling cigs is super cheap, and unless you smoke dunhills or were a fan of nat sherman, the tobacco quality is usually better (compared to newport, marlboro, american spirit, camels, etc)
when i rolled, it was like $20 a month to smoke half a pack a day.

now i switched to a refillable pod system and it's $18 a month besides the initial cost of the battery/pods which was $25.

i also grow my own tobacco (its super easy and legal unless you sell it), but i make that into cigars or pipe tobacco to give as gifts to family members.

as for beer, shop around at various liquor stores and look for expired beer that's less than 1-2 months expired. unless you're in a large metropolitan area, i can guarantee that at least one nearby store will have expired product that you like (lager, stouts, porters, and anything w/ a high abv will last much longer than the shelf life)
then, bring it to the counter and say "hey, this is expired, i'll take this off your hands for a 15-25% discount"
i do this all the time w/ seasonal craft beer, this past winter i was able to get 10 4-packs of southern tier pumking for $10 a 4-pack, normally it's $15.99

basically, tl;dr - turn into a crazy person like me and you will start to save money while still enjoying life.
Sounds like you need to join the Busch Light squad
PBR is usually on sale
Get a thirty rack for around $22-26
VFalcone posted...
You can't drink or smoke anymore because of the economy? Thanks Biden. Putting Americans first!

Working as intended.
I write Naruto Fanfiction. But I am definitely not a furry.
my state is (presumably) still among the cheapest for tobacco and cigarettes are almost $9 per pack now, its wild
I am thinking about just walking into the river now that Megaupload is gone and condoms are in porn .-Fubonis
andel posted...
my state is (presumably) still among the cheapest for tobacco and cigarettes are almost $9 per pack now, its wild
My state is traditionally the cheapest in the country, and they run somewhere around $5 a pack for the cheap ones here.
I write Naruto Fanfiction. But I am definitely not a furry.
Gobstoppers12 posted...
My state is traditionally the cheapest in the country, and they run somewhere around $5 a pack for the cheap ones here.

the cheap ones i think are as low as like $3 or $4 here but those are shit
I am thinking about just walking into the river now that Megaupload is gone and condoms are in porn .-Fubonis
andel posted...
the cheap ones i think are as low as like $3 or $4 here but those are shit
Yeah, $5 is more like an average but there are very cheap ones that nobody buys.
I write Naruto Fanfiction. But I am definitely not a furry.
DrizztLink posted...
That's why I drank 99 Black Cherries.

yeah but you must mix it with something >_>

I remember when I was in my early 20s and some friends told me they drank 99 Bananas shots...I don't know how.
I could see you, but I couldn't hear you You were holding your hat in the breeze Turning away from me In this moment you were stolen...
thronedfire2 posted...
yeah but you must mix it with something >_>

I was not there to fuck around.
Cigarettes? In THIS economy?
Spiderman23J posted...
a case of beer and cigarettes can easily run you over 20 bucks now. You looking at over $100 a week I gotta save that money
>Only drinking 5 cases of beer a week

Sounds like you were trying to quit anyway _o
Snipers don't shoot at paper, they shoot watermelons.
Post #31 was unavailable or deleted.
MarcoRubio posted...
Or just don't be poor

I know that this is edge posting, but the amount of people that think like this truly astounds me.
This rant was brought to you by your local random thinker.
I'm as Canadian as Wayne Gretzky crashing a snowmobile into a moose. - JIC X
Geez, what's next? The economy forcing you to cut back on fast food and cook economical meals of whole grains and plant-based protein at home? Start a home garden? Join a community civic group for companionship that doesn't involve monetary expenditure?
Will the little voice in the back of my mind screaming "This is a bad idea" please yield the floor. --Mikey
Chivalry be hanged, and so will you.
VFalcone posted...
You can't drink or smoke anymore because of the economy? Thanks trump. Putting Americans first!

Fixed that for ya. Biden inherited trumps economy.
Kee Oth Rama Pancake
second the advice to roll your own. so much cheaper than buying packs.

make your own intoxicants (legal ones). cheaper and you know what goes into 'em.
I hope something good happens to you today
Playing: God of War: Ragnarok
i think i'm just gonna buy a vape and focus on quitting all together. Use that money for something cooler or start DCA'n into some XRP or XLM
buss on life
I quit smoking with chantix, would recommend
Spiderman23J posted...
i think i'm just gonna buy a vape and focus on quitting all together. Use that money for something cooler or start DCA'n into some XRP or XLM

don't do the vape, just quit now instead

vaping was harder for me to quit than cigs were
I could see you, but I couldn't hear you You were holding your hat in the breeze Turning away from me In this moment you were stolen...
So you were buying 5 cases of beer a week? Yeah, that is really bad. Not even getting to the smoking.
Currently playing: Remnant From the Ashes
This is a good topic
I got 3 cigs left maybe these will be my last 3
buss on life
How much were you drinking and smoking? Not being funny but for the whole year so far, I've had maybe a 10 pack of cider a month and maybe 1.5L of assorted spirits, mostly on nights out.
Fan of metal? Don't mind covers? Check out my youtube and give me some feedback
thronedfire2 posted...
vaping was harder for me to quit than cigs were
with vaping you have to be super conscious about it if you wanna quit, I used vapes to quit cigarettes and now I'm close to quitting vapes (at 0.9% nicotine, compared to disposable vapes which are 5% nicotine)
it is super easy to fall into the vaping habit because you can do it anywhere, but starting off with a low nicotine vape PLUS a zero nicotine vape, will help in my experience

basically I conditioned myself to associate the vape with a source of nicotine to cut the ciggies out of my life, then when that was established, I started using a 0% vape while incrementally lowering the nicotine content of my nicotine vape (started with 2.4-3%, 1.8%, now I mix the 1.8 with a 0% to make 0.9%)

it helps if you hate the icy tingly feeling that some vapes give. I can't stand that, so as soon as I started vaping primarily, I started getting juice flavors with the icy flavor. now, I'm miserable whenever I use my vape, and I started associating nicotine highs with that nasty feeling.
it also helps that vapes give me really bad nausea, so now whenever I think of nicotine of any sort, I feel my stomach start churning.

I work in a gas station and ant believe how many folks on food stamps will drop 20 on two packs a day

Like easily could have an extra few hundred in the tank each month. Easily.

I know it's a crippling addiction its juts hard to fathom

But these vices do more good than bad and im hoping this gen gets rid of smoking specifically
The succotash is suffering.
It's crazy to think my friend only spends about 10cents for a pack of smokes in Vietnam in comparison.
I cut my smoking down to a pack every 5 days or so cuz they're almost $12 now lol
BucketCat posted...
with vaping you have to be super conscious about it if you wanna quit, I used vapes to quit cigarettes and now I'm close to quitting vapes (at 0.9% nicotine, compared to disposable vapes which are 5% nicotine)
it is super easy to fall into the vaping habit because you can do it anywhere, but starting off with a low nicotine vape PLUS a zero nicotine vape, will help in my experience

basically I conditioned myself to associate the vape with a source of nicotine to cut the ciggies out of my life, then when that was established, I started using a 0% vape while incrementally lowering the nicotine content of my nicotine vape (started with 2.4-3%, 1.8%, now I mix the 1.8 with a 0% to make 0.9%)

it helps if you hate the icy tingly feeling that some vapes give. I can't stand that, so as soon as I started vaping primarily, I started getting juice flavors with the icy flavor. now, I'm miserable whenever I use my vape, and I started associating nicotine highs with that nasty feeling.
it also helps that vapes give me really bad nausea, so now whenever I think of nicotine of any sort, I feel my stomach start churning.

this is kinda the plan I had in mind by a vape and slowly ween myself off its more of an oral fixation for me not so much a nicotine addiction even though I still get cravings

buss on life
Just quit. You will have a turning point that you can't return from. Stop before it happens. For my friend it was a decade before her death. She did not quit. It progressed from puffers in 2015, 2018 02 tank, 2019 Oxegenator machine, death in 2022. Please quit. It's not something you want to go through trust me
I was born when she kissed me. I died when she left me. I lived a few weeks while she loved me-
Current Events » The economy is literally forcing me to quit drinking and smoking