Have you ever been attacked by a stranger's dog?

Current Events

Current Events » Have you ever been attacked by a stranger's dog?
bring this up cause i thought this might happen to me today, did not
"That won't work Boss, hide the target in a place they're unlikely to be found"---GZ
Sorry you had to deal with that, im so sick of dog people
UndefeatedGOAT posted...
Sorry you had to deal with that, im so sick of dog people
you dislike dog people, cause of this reason?
"That won't work Boss, hide the target in a place they're unlikely to be found"---GZ
Hmm, don't think so.

I did get snapped at by a family's new (to me) dog but I was new to the dog and she's not the friendliest to brand new people. I was at fault anyways, got my hand too close.

We're cool now.


I have had dogs be too excited and basically try to body me, but as for an attack with intent to harm don't think so.
The name is wackyteen for a reason. Never doubt.
Smallville posted...
you dislike dog people, cause of this reason?

no just in general, idk if im ever getting another one. But ppl taking pitbulls to the offleash park, old karens yelling at small dogs to no avail, dog running up in my dogs face and scaring it

maybe we need to go back to the old world and domesticate goats
I was delivering pizzas once and someone let their dog out and it almost took my hand off. I pinned the dog down on the ground and the dad of the family peeled me off the dog and the dog ran away. I tried to sue them and they tried to sue me but nothing came of it because they never showed up to court so the judge ordered the dog to be put down because it wasn't the first time the dog attacked someone. I didn't get injured too bad I scraped my hand on one of its teeth.
No, but was bitten by a neighbor's dog.
I are Serious Cat
This is serious thread
AnimeGokuIAM posted...
I was delivering pizzas once and someone let their dog out and it almost took my hand off. I pinned the dog down on the ground and the dad of the family peeled me off the dog and the dog ran away. I tried to sue them and they tried to sue me but nothing came of it because they never showed up to court so the judge ordered the dog to be put down because it wasn't the first time the dog attacked someone. I didn't get injured too bad I scraped my hand on one of its teeth.
they tried to sue you? unbelievable. Unapolegetic at all?
"That won't work Boss, hide the target in a place they're unlikely to be found"---GZ
Two small-ish dogs that would constantly chase me and nip at my legs just for the crime of walking by their home. Apparently the owner even set 'em loose on the animal control officer once.

And a big dog, not me directly, but would always go after one of my dogs for whatever reason. While picking my dog up to protect him, it once bit my elbow hard enough to draw blood through my jacket. Took like, four visits from animal control and me getting pissed enough to scream at them over it before they finally took a hint. Never had any trouble with dogs until moving to my current neighborhood.
Kratos will choke this point avatar by Hambo the Hog.
Kircheis posted...
Two small-ish dogs that would constantly chase me and nip at my legs just for the crime of walking by their home. Apparently the owner even set 'em loose on the animal control officer once.

And a big dog, not me directly, but would always go after one of my dogs for whatever reason. While picking my dog up to protect him, it once bit my elbow hard enough to draw blood through my jacket. Took like, four visits from animal control and me getting pissed enough to scream at them over it before they finally took a hint. Never had any trouble with dogs until moving to my current neighborhood.
yeah seems like this stuff like in the u.s. is going up in regularity a lot.....
"That won't work Boss, hide the target in a place they're unlikely to be found"---GZ
My friend lives across the street from a house with a bunch of little dogs. They always let the dogs outside (or leave them outside?) even though they have no qualms about running into the street where they could easily be run over and also they're fuckin nasty. Every time I go over, they start barking at me and start running into the road towards me to start shit. They've only bitten at me once and I had jeans on, so it wasn't a problem or anything. The other day I was over with shorts and sandals though and one of them came running up to try it again. Fortunately the owner happened to be outside to call them off.

That's some really shitty dog ownership though. One day those dogs are gonna get run over while running in the street or stomped to death after they bite someone.
Hambo's alt.
Yes. Got clawed in the back by a dog while I was leaving someone's house. Not a good time.
Smallville posted...
they tried to sue you? unbelievable. Unapolegetic at all?

Counter suit to a suit is pretty standard.
The name is wackyteen for a reason. Never doubt.
I had one chase me for a bit when I was walking home from school.

Good thing I was way more healthy as a 13 year old and thus could haul-ass because it was a pretty decent sized dog lol.
GTag:MadDogg730 PSN:lMadDogg NNID:xMadDoggx NS friend code:5313-0564-0819 Go buy cyber shadow like right now.
wackyteen posted...
Counter suit to a suit is pretty standard.
yeah, forgot about that. Like what would the legal advantage be to countersue, though?
"That won't work Boss, hide the target in a place they're unlikely to be found"---GZ
Multiple times. Even by a "service dog", but i called them out on that and it was barely an emotional support dog.
Little dogs have nipped at my ankles, big dogs have bit at my butt.
Dog owners are not great people. To start with, you're owning and controlling a life. And a "bad" dog is always a bad owner. Dogs should be free
Warning: Sometimes biased
http://i.imgur.com/V0x5fw8.jpg http://i.imgur.com/IOovUge.gif http://i.imgur.com/zw7bqPH.jpg
pedro45 posted...
Multiple times. Even by a "service dog", but i called them out on that and it was barely an emotional support dog.
Little dogs have nipped at my ankles, big dogs have bit at my butt.
Dog owners are not great people. To start with, you're owning and controlling a life. And a "bad" dog is always a bad owner. Dogs should be free
Oh interesting thoughts. You've never owned a cat or dog?
"That won't work Boss, hide the target in a place they're unlikely to be found"---GZ
The last cats i "owned" ruled the house. They were gonna end up on the streets despite being indoor cats. So I took them in, this was way over a decade ago, and let them do...whatever. food and water was available whenever, they could in and out of the house, etc.
One was my best friend. I would have loved to have moved with her, but she stayed at the house while i moved around the state. I visited a few times during her final weeks. Losing my best friend was so hard.
My fiance at the time even admitted that she was the only thing in my life she was jealous of cause of how close we were, especially during visits.
Warning: Sometimes biased
http://i.imgur.com/V0x5fw8.jpg http://i.imgur.com/IOovUge.gif http://i.imgur.com/zw7bqPH.jpg
Current Events » Have you ever been attacked by a stranger's dog?