Would you learn Shyriiwook to befriend a Wookie?

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Current Events » Would you learn Shyriiwook to befriend a Wookie?

Big, lumbering, hairy bipedal alien that lives for hundreds of years.

Would you learn to audibly understand its language so you could potentially befriend it?
The name is wackyteen for a reason. Never doubt.
Would rather befriend a Jawa tbh

so I can hear them shout HOOOTINI all day
I bought the Taito Egret II Mini just to play puchi carat
Love making emblems in games that allow you to do so!
Wookie friend? Sign me the fuck up!!
What in Sam Hill is a puma?
You can't ask that question here.

Someone's gonna fuck the Wookie.
He/Him http://guidesmedia.ign.com/guides/9846/images/slowpoke.gif https://i.imgur.com/M8h2ATe.png
Current Events » Would you learn Shyriiwook to befriend a Wookie?