speed of Aldi cashier left this Mom 'crying and shaking' beside her kids

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StealThisSheen posted...
Even if that's true, the line can't move until she finishes bagging, so it just makes sense to slow down, anyway, since if stuff falls on the floor... You're just causing the customer to take even longer to bag.
Idk for UK Aldis, but in the USA, theres a counter to take purchases to so that the customer can bag their groceries.
Again, Aldi uses minimal staffing, so the cashier speed-scanning is probably a necessity to deal with the lines and even if there wasnt a line, there probably often is a like so that speed becomes the default mode of the cashier.
The next question, unless the cashier was grossly incompetent (again, he sounds rude, but thats not an issue that should have affected the checkout process), why did the lady not have anywhere to put her purchases at the counter? Did she not have a cart to take the groceries away? Many people in Aldi take empty cardboard boxes from around the store to help them carry their purchases. By all accounts, this lady sounds like a dumbass. Instead of owning up to lack of planning on her part of checking out, she cries like shes been harmed.
Now imagine all the other people just trying to buy their groceries having to wait for this inefficient, idiot woman to stop being a mess.
Situations like this are why I use self-checkout when its available (and not a premium service because capitalism can be a hellscape).