Can we bring back the 80s?

Current Events

I'm 100% in support of this but I can't fault people for wanting to back to certain eras. It feels like pop culture stopped at a certain point and we've been in this extended era where all culture is just recycling tropes here and there.

Either way, take say animation or comics (Or Graphic Novels). I often feel like a problem with entertainment is too much focusing on the bad and not enough effort into seeking out the good.

Like you hear more bashing of say Velma and not enough praising Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur, which okay former is for adults and latter being for kids.

But the latter is legit good, plus you had treasures like The Owl House or The Ghost and Molly McGee that were good and even entirely original properties that despite people claiming they want original properties, miss out on them entirely.

Which yeah sometimes I think it is deliberate so that people can maintain the claim that nothing good ever comes out.

Amalgam Universe resident Born in 82.