$5,000 but Gamefaqs dissappear forever.

Current Events

Current Events » $5,000 but Gamefaqs dissappear forever.
Your human level has changed to GOD.
Id do it for 5 bux
Wouldnt make a huge impact on my life, either the money or the site going, but Id say on balance its a positive before you even factor in that the site wont be here much longer.
Deal I'd be fine with this
I'll just hang out on Reddit or something instead.
I write Naruto Fanfiction. But I am definitely not a furry.
Hm. Maybe.

50,000, even 10,000, I'd take it. 1000 I wouldn't. 5000 is very borderline.
I fought the Trumble and the Trumble won.
No deal
Its already gonna disappear likely before the end of this year even if you dont take the deal

give me the money TC you welcher
Deal. It might mean I'll have to skip a few meals to save up that much, but I'm sure it will be money well spent
RIP Lex Megathread
Current Events » $5,000 but Gamefaqs dissappear forever.