Being the person that peaces out before shit goes down in a horror movie

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Current Events » Being the person that peaces out before shit goes down in a horror movie
I always think about how good it would be that person. I think the movies I find most scary involve being skeptical, but it turns out to be real. The feeling of "why didn't I leave when I had the chance" really amplifies everything.
Carpe petat
Aren't they normally the ones who die first?
PowerOats posted...
Aren't they normally the ones who die first?

Often, yes.
The commercial says that Church isn't for perfect people, I guess that's why I'm an atheist.
What hits me are the people who for sure know the thing exists and knowingly antagonise whatever it is, or knowingly put themselves in the situation. Like why would you?
Imagine being the guy murdered in the first 5 minutes in the cold open for seemingly no reason, but the plot dump in the final act 2 hours later reveals that you were a piece of shit.
Dedicated to D - 4/15/05
I really want to make a slasher where people aren't morons, just victims have bad circumstances.

I feel like making the protagonists morons is a tired trope.
Most of the time they have to go to the scary attic or basement to see what's making noise. Even if it's not their house, they can't resist going to the creepiest place imaginable just because.

Watched Jeepers Creepers the other day and oh boy dude even went down a hole in the middle of bumfuck Egypt where he saw a creature dumping bodies.

This is where cool people write stuff.
Reminds me of that dude from the Graveyard Shift that got sent away.

He didn't know how lucky he had it
See profile pic
NightRender posted...
Imagine being the guy murdered in the first 5 minutes in the cold open for seemingly no reason, but the plot dump in the final act 2 hours later reveals that you were a piece of shit.
Think one of the recent Screams did that. Random dude outside a bar gets attacked, cuts back later in the movie to him being a pedophile or some shit.
PowerOats posted...
Aren't they normally the ones who die first?

It depends. The redhead guy in Friday the 13th Part 2 decides to peace out and stay at the bar and he gets to live.
"How can.. the Prime minister.. support a law.. that makes it illegal for people.. who....What I'm trying to say is.. Oasis rules!"
This topic makes me think of Bodies Bodies Bodies
Sack to crack, going to town
I imagine the survivor's guilt would be a lot to handle, though
Sometimes the guy who peaces out first gets to be the last one to die -- i.e. that iconic "I fucking made it!" scene from Cabin Fever.
Current Events » Being the person that peaces out before shit goes down in a horror movie