I'm stuck in Castlevania: Symphony of the Night

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Current Events » I'm stuck in Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
It needs an easy mode
It is easy if you XP grind.

Full map if needed.

Best of luck! :)
Easy mode is dual crissinggrims
You know how fads are. Today it's brains, tomorrow, pierced tongues. Then the next day, pierced brains.
-Jane Lane
Game is already easy mode.
http://i.imgur.com/R15aJJ3.png http://i.imgur.com/NJqp6LS.png
ITT: Acting like SotN isn't full of arcane BS with zero in-game explanation.
"We live in a country Hasire.." ~ yosouf06
REVOLVER STAKE! http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v717/ChocoboMog123/AltEisenRChocoboMog.png
ChocoboMogALT posted...
ITT: Acting like SotN isn't full of arcane BS with zero in-game explanation.
only thing i recall of top of my head was that clock thing
"We would have no NBA possibly if they got rid of all the flopping." ~ Dwyane Wade
Sotn can be rough in the first castle. The initial move into the second one can be hard too.

Game is obscure but with even a little luck, you can stumble into op weapons.

Real ez mode us just getting the duplicator. Such fun to be had!
You know how fads are. Today it's brains, tomorrow, pierced tongues. Then the next day, pierced brains.
-Jane Lane
BlazinBlue88 posted...
Game is already easy mode.

ChocoboMogALT posted...
ITT: Acting like SotN isn't full of arcane BS with zero in-game explanation.

These are both true. Mechanically the game is really easy to play and beat, but finding out they way to unlock the path to the true ending is arcane and most people won't discover it without some sort of guide.

We all live in a Yellow SUV! a Yellow SUV!
ChocoboMogALT posted...
ITT: Acting like SotN isn't full of arcane BS with zero in-game explanation.
Have you tried getting really drunk?
I know it might be wrong, but I'm in love with Stacy's dong
Link_of_time posted...
all the spells
secret endings
item hidden abilities
item drops in general
little secrets like the librarian
"We live in a country Hasire.." ~ yosouf06
REVOLVER STAKE! http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v717/ChocoboMog123/AltEisenRChocoboMog.png
ChocoboMogALT posted...
all the......
so, when you say arcane, what exactly do you mean?
Link_of_time posted...
so, when you say arcane, what exactly do you mean?

Arcane means like obscure or a bit convoluted. Something that requires the application of hard to obtain knowledge to understand or realize.

The alchemist's notes appeared arcane with astrological symbols and encoded messages within the Latin text.
You know how fads are. Today it's brains, tomorrow, pierced tongues. Then the next day, pierced brains.
-Jane Lane
It's been a hot minute since I played Symphony, is there literally any hint in the game on how to get from the Marble Gallery clock room to Olrox's Quarters?
PS5s have liquid metal tech like the T-1000- AceCombatX
Game devs don't deserve money- Zithers, in a topic he made on a game site about artists deserving money.
knightoffire55 posted...
It needs an easy mode
Game has a literal "I win" cheat mechanic: Alucard Shield + Shield Rod
"I'd rather betray the world than let the world betray me." -Cao Cao
git gud
I could see you, but I couldn't hear you You were holding your hat in the breeze Turning away from me In this moment you were stolen...
furb posted...
Arcane means like obscure or a bit convoluted. Something that requires the application of hard to obtain knowledge to understand or realize.

The alchemist's notes appeared arcane with astrological symbols and encoded messages within the Latin text.
So their complaint is there are secrets in the game, and that makes it bad?
Don't like it? Don't watch it. It's that simple
Dictator of Nice Guys
Link_of_time posted...
So their complaint is there are secrets in the game, and that makes it bad?
I didn't say it's bad. But saying "just use Crissaegrim" is terrible advice if someone was doing a blind run. Most of the god mode mechanics are just completely hidden to first time players, it's not reasonable to judge the difficulty on knowing the game inside-out (and upsidedown).

And, yeah, it's kinda bad design to have so many hidden things with zero hints towards them. People give Simon's Quest shit for mechanics that are explained better, even with bad translation, than some stuff in SotN.
"We live in a country Hasire.." ~ yosouf06
REVOLVER STAKE! http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v717/ChocoboMog123/AltEisenRChocoboMog.png
I only found out about the inverted castle 2 years after beating the game.
"Average Joe" is a trolling term since it's completely an opinion. "Overachieving" is also an opinion. - SBAllen (Hellhole: 52458377)
ChocoboMogALT posted...
I didn't say it's bad. But saying "just use Crissaegrim" is terrible advice if someone was doing a blind run. Most of the god mode mechanics are just completely hidden to first time players, it's not reasonable to judge the difficulty on knowing the game inside-out (and upsidedown).

And, yeah, it's kinda bad design to have so many hidden things with zero hints towards them. People give Simon's Quest shit for mechanics that are explained better, even with bad translation, than some stuff in SotN.
Its been a really long time since i last beat it, but i dont remember having much trouble at the time. I was 11 i think. Now, trying to "100%" the game, sure, that's gonna be difficult, but that's the point. Someone going in blind can still "complete" the game.
Current Events » I'm stuck in Castlevania: Symphony of the Night