Post what you've tagged others as without context

Current Events

That was too many. Some are boring.

Re-post with a better curated list.

A lot are as close to direct quotes from their own posts for tags... here are some of the more unique ones.

My source is Pizzagaters (-5)
talk whiter to be professional
Daddy was a martyred landlord
Cinnabon orthodoxy
FDR was a dictator (I have 2 different users who flagged that said this)
Tired of the Holocaust (-5)
Hitler wasn't cool but... (-5)
Big tents require nazis (-5)
Hates The Rocketeer
Likes Nazis > being PC (-5)
Wellness check on 01-21 (-4)
Don't steal. Respect nazis.
I breathe racism
Just a harmless insurrection
Puppy killer
finds Lovecraft tedious
The Chicago Way... for pizza
Broken clock Nazi
Thinks internet > libraries
Shoplifters deserve death
Candace Owen's simp

What has books ever teached us? -- Captain Afrohead
Subject-verb agreement. -- t3h 0n3