Do you mean like seriously or is this a joke topic
It'll now bide its time, watching you from the shadows, waiting for you to drop your guard. One day you'll decide to have a nap, once you fall deep into slumber it'll know its time is now, it'll dart into your mouth and force you to swallow it in your sleep.
yes, spiders have memories and can remember things.
Lay thousands of children underneath dark, hard to reach areas in your house
Okay, hypothetical follow up question:
If you were a venomous killing machine who had previously been attempted to be murdered but got away, what would you do after you escaped?
Okay, good news everyone. I have hired a counter assassin to hunt down the spider before it can get revenge on me.
I have employed my cat Mr. Fluffbottoms to track down the spider and kill on sight. Currently she is licking herself. I can only imagine the master plan she is coming up with.