visual of Corporate Greed because they can - McDonalds menu prices 2014-now

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Current Events » visual of Corporate Greed because they can - McDonalds menu prices 2014-now
Taco Bell is not cheap
See profile pic
Even getting the basic 3 supreme taco meal is hitting $9 here.
ThunderTrain posted...
lol what Taco Bell are you going to
The one where a burrito meal is $10.
There's a difference between canon and not-stupid.
*Shakes fist*

Rage is a hell of an anesthetic.
Makeveli_lives posted...
To be fair the app cuts 30 percent off every order over 3 bucks. Its the only way I eat McDonalds now.
So they're still charging you too much, but now they get to sell your data afterwards.
Yall need to use the Taco Bell app
I used to be a blackjack dealer on a riverboat named Black Sally's Apple. It was a very low point in my life
Taco Bell isn't cheap, but it's still comparatively one of the cheapest.
Seplito Nash, Smelling Like the Vault since 1996
Step FOUR! Get Paid!
ThunderTrain posted...
Yall need to use the Taco Bell app
Apps are a fucking pain and just one more unnecessary step to put even more of your information at risk out there.
This thread is a useful debunking of this
McDonald's profit margins are down (for some reason this x-axis is backwards)
Have you tried thinking rationally?
R_Jackal posted...
Apps are a fucking pain and just one more unnecessary step to put even more of your information at risk out there.

lol bustin makes me feel good
DrizztLink posted...
So they're still charging you too much, but now they get to sell your data afterwards.

lol bustin makes me feel good
I wouldn't say healthy food is more expensive, but eating at home has its own drawbacks that have an especially large impact on low income households.

Preparing diverse and nutritious meals takes a lot of time, as does cleaning up. Parents who work until the later evening hours would then need to spend 30+ minutes making their children food. And time cooking means less time doing other things like household chores or interacting with your children.

Unused or uneaten food can easily go to waste. Ingredients might spoil before they can be all used up if a dish only requires a small amount and said ingredient is sold in large quantities or weights exclusively.

Scarce trips to the grocery store mean you need to plan everything you want to eat meticulously and if something comes up, you either need to make more food or ration out what you have until your next trip to the store.

Kids are picky and unpredictable in how much they'll eat so portions and leftovers will vary day to day.

No single issue above is unmanageable, but these problems stack and assignment each other which makes the idea of fast food really appealing to such homes. Calorie-dense food that is pre-portioned, requires no prep, can be picked up on a commute home from work, tastes good so kids will eat it, and has only paper scraps as its waste product might be the best option for some families.
Rainbow Dashing: "it's just star wars"
AutumnEspirit: *kissu*
RetuenOfDevsman posted...
If by "still cheap" you mean "by far the most expensive fast food place there is", sure.
The fuck
You know what? I don't have to tip at McDonalds so it's still cheaper than a sit down restaurant.
let's lubricate friction material!
~nickels, Cars & Trucks
Intro2Logic posted...
This thread is a useful debunking of this
McDonald's profit margins are down (for some reason this x-axis is backwards)
That's really great if everyone is making 20 an hour, otherwise it kinda reads as numbers go up bull.

Also no one aside from investors give a rats ass about profit margins.
HudGard posted...
I was trying to compare average McD wages 2014 to 2024 and the couple searches/AI I asked seemed to suggest the same-ish? Oof
No. In my county, they were 7.35ish in 14' and are now around 14.00

Edit, this is mainly because of the Florida min wage hike law introduced
"My lord, even 'the bud' slips into alcoholism these days." - AlCalavicci
The quarter pounder is understandable because they switched to fresh beef during that time which drove up the cost slot.
It says right here in Matthew 16:4 "Jesus doth not need a giant Mecha."
While the app sells your data, they don't really offer any value aside from select things. Like McD app, there's various deals that are useful but outside those limited deals, McD is still not worth the price. Their prices are still way higher than they should be. For example, a McChicken costs 2.99-3.49 now. The "$1,$2,$3" menu has no $1 items anymore unless you count a soda for $1.89 as the $1. $1 Frydays deal are bait, obviously, to get you to buy more stuff at the menu price. The best thing for a family in the app is the 25% off. But, that still doesn't change the fact prices are through the roof on everything.
Why is it that the world can't spell "lose" or "woman" right???
Current Events » visual of Corporate Greed because they can - McDonalds menu prices 2014-now
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