When you were a little kid did your mom also work?

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Current Events » When you were a little kid did your mom also work?
did they
"That won't work Boss, hide the target in a place they're unlikely to be found"---GZ
She was a homemaker, so yes, constantly.
There's a difference between canon and not-stupid.
Two jobs while going to school at one point.
No matter our origin, we are all one family, we all share one planet, and we all need to feel loved and accepted. We are more alike than different.
Yeah. We were always latchkey kids.
Yep, both my parents worked. With four kids, they kind of had to.
"Be good to yourself, because everyone else in the world is probably out to get you." - Dr. Harleen Quinzel
She stayed home for a while after I was born, but went back to work ehen I was around 7 or 8 I think.
I do drawings and stuff
Until we moved to Virginia. She's still pissed that she became a homemaker, because dad walked out eventually and she was forced back into the working world in shitty customer service jobs.

She made more than my dad back when she worked when I was little.
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She always worked.
'Vinyl is the poor man's art collection'.
To various degrees. She worked full time until her third kid, where she started working part time. A couple years after her fourth kid she took a part time job where she could work from home, which she did until the fourth kid went to elementary school. Then she took another part time job out of the house.

She still works both those part time jobs to this day even though it has been well over twenty years and she should absolutely retire.
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she only worked for a 2 months period of time
I'm a Taurus. Currently playing: Carol Reed Mystery Dead Drop & Oldschool Runescape. He/Him
My mom hasn't had a job at any point of her life
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By the time I was in 5th grade I used to catch the bus, get off at my stop and let myself in the house since neither of my parents would be home until about 4:45 or so. My brother 5 grades ahead of me would be on the HS basketball team, track, or going to his part time job so I'd just be chillin' on my own for about 2 and a half hours.
GTag:MadDogg730 PSN:lMadDogg NNID:xMadDoggx NS friend code:5313-0564-0819 Go buy cyber shadow like right now.
Once I started public school she did yeah, even went in super early so she could pick me up after school
The Legend is True!
Yes, both my parents worked full time so we always had to do latchkey stuff. My dad had to stop working in the mid 90's though because he has macular degeneration and is blind in one eye and extremely poor vision in the other. By that point my brothers and I were high school age though.
"How can.. the Prime minister.. support a law.. that makes it illegal for people.. who....What I'm trying to say is.. Oasis rules!"
she went back to school and started working again when I was about 10 or 11.

we had an uncle and a couple of aunts that lived with us for a while, though, so they usually watched us, but we were left alone when I was somewhere between 9 and 10.
"I could never encapsulate all my cosmicality on my own."
- mr. MFN eXquire. https://imgur.com/4CDGncR
she didn't when i was a little kid but started working while i was in elementary school
She had a job as a school cafeteria worker for a short while in my early teens, but nothing before or after (aside from keeping the home, which is certainly work in itself).
The food here is terrible. My steak was so tough it attacked my coffee and the coffee was too weak to defend itself.
Single mom, so yeah, obviously.

Even when she wasn't divorced yet, she still worked.
Yes, standard for my culture. Parents worked, I was raised by grandparents.
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When I was young, no. Around middle school she started going to college. Last year of high school she started working.

I, on the other hand, have an MBA, and worked full time until my first kid in my early 30s. Tried going back part time when she was about a year, but had a shitty boss that made getting out on time for daycare pickup impossible because he always decided at the last fucking minute that he needed me to stay late. My husband couldnt do pickups with that short notice. So I quit. My husbands career took off so money wise I didnt need to go back and hes fine with me being a SAHM.
She was in the airforce for 20 years. I forget exactly when she got retired, but it was in the mid-late 90s.
When money talks for the very last time, and nobody walks a step behind
When there's only one race, and that's mankind, then we shall be free
She worked at a hotel. We could even occasionally come to the swimming pool there.
Amalgam Universe resident Born in 82.
DuranOfForcena posted...
yeah, my dad forced her to work for him as his assistant in his unlicensed handyman business, where she would do a lot of the work because he has a lot of health issues and there is a lot of stuff he has trouble doing, and also he sucks at painting unless it's rolling on a flat surface, so she would do most of the painting, especially the cutting in and trim.

meanwhile he expected her to come home and do everything to take care of him and the house and us kids, cooking and cleaning, etc., never lifting a single finger himself to help out in any of that, even though she put it just as much work if not more than he did. and even when they weren't doing the handyman work anymore, he refused to allow her to get any other, normal job, working for anyone but him, because that would mean giving up total control over her, which he was not going to let happen.
Sad, are you close to your dad though?
"That won't work Boss, hide the target in a place they're unlikely to be found"---GZ
My mother was the breadwinner, my father was the homemaker.
Will the little voice in the back of my mind screaming "This is a bad idea" please yield the floor. --Mikey
Chivalry be hanged, and so will you.
Current Events » When you were a little kid did your mom also work?