Has anyone else noticed that you started taking a lot more meds since turning 25

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I'm mid thirties and I don't take anything really. I take a multivitamin but I'm iffy if that even does anything. I already eat rather healthy so that vitamin is probably a waste.

Kurumiee posted...
I often wake up with migraines, because I probably fudged up a neck muscle previously. For that, I take ibuprofen.
Find a certificated massage therapist place near you. Make sure they are called by that title and not masseuse or any of those other junk names. They should be able to find that locked up muscle and fix it to stop those migraines. The muscle might actually be in your shoulders or back and it's causing referred pain in your neck.
http://i.imgur.com/R15aJJ3.png http://i.imgur.com/NJqp6LS.png