Do you believe "Tropic Thunder could not be made today?"

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JuanCarlos1 posted...
I dont think so. Mainly RDJ and the "never go full R lines". More likely that studios would just avoid it.

Theres no space for nuance in jokes. People are dumber and will take everything at face value rather than the satire it is.

i don't think it's about people not realizing it's satire. in 2008 when Tropic Thunder was made there was this attitude that we were post-racism, so shows and movies felt free to use "ironic" racism to mock the racists

but the thing is, 2016 revealed that there are still a lot of people who are racist like that. so people who experience racism every day don't want to be confronted with the language of racists in entertainment. Using racist language to make a joke is still using racist language.

so I see the perspective of people who don't want to see that, and I definitely think no major studio would put a whole bunch of money into a movie built around that

Dudebusters posted...
The Community D&D episode that was removed for blackface is back on Peacock, so they're clearly starting to ease up on that kind of thing depending on the context.

I mean, that one was specifically not blackface in the context of the show. that one was definitely always an overreaction
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