Recommended level for Giant Ursula.

Current Events

Current Events » Recommended level for Giant Ursula.
What's the recommended level to be against the 2nd Ursula fight in Kingdom Hearts 1? I'm at level 33.
33 should be enough. Maybe go grind a bit more. Lv 35 is manageable.
The embrace of the Dark is gentle. Let it absorb your sorrows, forever.
\[T]/ Owner of the 500 board and Leader of sunbro board GT Nabendu
57 should be manageable
See profile pic
abuse consumables?
April 15, 2024: The Day the Internet Died
Big_Nabendu posted...
33 should be enough. Maybe go grind a bit more. Lv 35 is manageable.

She's actually kind of easy if you get behind her and hit her in the back of her neck.

(I had to look up how to get behind her).
Current Events » Recommended level for Giant Ursula.