Trump aide promises of reelected, Trump will ban porn in US.

Current Events

Heres a hot take: Is defending porn really a big deal?

When you think about it, its true that its an addictive hobby that triggers similar reactions as drugs and other addictive habits. And on the other side of it, theres a huge overlap with sexual abuse and exploitation, where no matter how much the sw community does a legitimately good job of policing that, they have to police that precisely <i>because</i> it is such a huge problem in the first place.

Obviously, the comparison to drugs proves that banning porn is a ridiculous concept in the first place, treating most drug issues as a criminal justice issue first and anything else second is a stupid and downright evil idea to be quite honest. Wars on X dont work. However, I bet that a lot of the people who will hear this message will hear something like Lets regulate and treat porn as a mental health issue, or, Lets get that guy whos an <i>otherwise pretty cool guy</i> off his porn addiction, <i>any way we can</i> rather than the veiled threats against sex worker communities, which is also a valid to interpret this and similar right-wing anti-porn pitches, I will acknowledge.

By the way, you guys know the left and right both do anti-porn pitches sometimes, right? But the right-wing ones are coded differently.

Ive actually had a point where I had a person with a sw background come into my life, as a loved one of a loved one, and Im actually pretty ashamed of how I judged them about it, in retrospect. It wasnt the only thing that went wrong, of course, all of us messed it up together, but I always thought before I met that person that it was a thing I wouldnt judge someone else for and I was wrong . I once was told something similar to theyre a sw and I heard red flag and after that I made that known a time or two, and Im actually really ashamed that I ever used a broken chain of logic like that right there, to judge an important person that came into my life.

Not that Im asking for forgiveness from Gamefaqs or anyone on CE, its entirely between me and the other people in this story, but mainly Im glad that I feel more emotionally mature than I was back then so that I can know that what I did back then was wrong according to <i>my</i> values, and make even better decisions in the future.