$5k a month to NOT work, or $50K a month to work 12 hour days

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I would be tempted on the 5k if it adjusted for inflation every year. As it is now, that's hardly a step up from what I'm making, and in 10-20 years will probably not be enough for basic expenses. This would also make me lose health insurance, since I get that far cheaper through my job, so I would almost be losing money with that deal.

The other one would let me pay off my house and car in half a year, at most, and although 5 out of 7 days each week would suck, the extra money would mean I can do whatever the fuck I want on the remaining two days. It would also mean I can take an actual vacation. Though I would prefer doing my current job over the one in the deal.

bigblu89 posted...
Its definitely more of a personality question than a financial one.

I'm not sure I agree with this, at least not with the amounts offered. You want the question to basically be "Live comfortable and not have to work" vs "Be wealthy but work a lot." 5k a month does not mean "Live comfortable" for me, so the question doesn't work.
Bosses are immune to the eat command so it won't be possible to end the final boss fight of the game by eating it.