Starting fallout 4. What should I know

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MisterPengy posted...
If you hold the action/drink button on a source of water, instead of just pressing it and letting go, you'll continue to drink and regain HP (and rads) faster

When hacking a terminal, look for strings of text in between signs, like {j3g4k1} These will remove a fake answer or restore your attempts.

Both of those still apply. The only catch is that virtually every water source in FO4 is highly irradiated, and radiation now lowers your max health instead of stats; so chugging is highly unadvised.

The terminal advice is still sound - highlighting and clicking any closed brackets (....) {....} [...] will either remove a fake password or reset your tries. Thing is though that FO4 Hacking has been made much easier in that you never get permanently locked out of a terminal, you just have to wait a few seconds before trying again.
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