If Biden loses this election...

Current Events

luigi33 posted...
Whatever is left of the dems should be purged of liberals (through elections).
Yeah, good fucking luck with that.

Unfortunately, the online left is not a strong voting base, due mostly to apathy and political ignorance.

Flaming_Fire619 posted...
The honest truth with leftists/heavy progressive candidates is that they aren't willing to put the footwork in to actually make popular candidates.

Every single time I see these topics I ask and wonder how many people are supporting farther left individuals down the ballot? Are they trying to get progressives to win local/state elections and then slowly work up to the federal level? Because that's the only way this is going to work. The truth is that the grand majority of the US is perfectly fine being left leaning and not any further, not to the extreme standpoint most are, but they might be more open to it if individuals that were farther left were shown to be effective at lower levels. Rather than constantly pushing for jumps to the highest offices first.

But honestly ranked choice voting is what should be the case and if we were any reasonable country we would have gone to it a century ago.
This, so much this. Most leftist voters, too, don't give a shit about anything but the presidency.
As the morning sun rises, my lingering memories fade. I no longer see your silhouette. It's too far gone into the haze.