So a girl lost interest in me because of a personality test >_>

Current Events

The MBTI test has merit. It helps in identifying groups X would appeal to, how certain groups learn, and how they think. For instance, this board, and an imageboard I'm on, these types of communication styles attract more introverts than extroverts. Heck, think about the beginning of the lockdowns where the people who had no trouble staying at home were generally all introverts. In contrast,

On a finance board I'm on, the ones who do the best, getting in early on the big projects, are people who think intuitively; as in they apply a set of principles to deduce "what is possible?" as opposed to a lot of sensory folks who come to their conclusions around "what was the precedent?" and forming their deductions on "what is possible?" as a result. To give a direct example, early investors in Bitcoin and Ethereum would be situated in the former bracket since those technologies were unprecedented.

Then it also comes into play for how you accept information and believe it. For instance, for Epstein's Island, what would it take for you to believe that story? There were a number of folks out there who heard of the story and thought it was BS until it made national headlines. There's nuance in how people accept information.

Mind you, I'm not saying that if you are on this board "you must be this". There are always exceptions to the rule, but there are general trends you can catch.