100 million USD today. Or 6 billion USD 10 years from now.

Current Events

6 billion can buy me a private jet (the a350 kind), and the people to fly and maintain it. It can also buy an Ocean liner that I can live on and travel the seas. I can probably buy a small country too, or even buy an island somewhere nice and make it my own personal self sufficient haven.

There's so much more I can do with 6 billion. I can buy the IP to my favourite series and save them (like everyone has a problem with Mass Effect. I'll remake that shit to be what it always should have been). All those old games that didn't age well? Remaster.

The only issue is waiting the ten years. By then I'll be 45, which isn't old, but I'd have to take really good care of myself to ensure I live a long and healthy life.