New Hulu documentary ''The Contestant'' about a fucked up Japanese ''game'' show

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DocileOrangeCup posted...
Yeah it seems like the producer or whatever is in the documentary and just the trailer made me want to punch him

Oh wow really? I hadn't heard about this. I know it wasn't a live stream at least, due to him being censored and all that.
Unfortunately the video's gone, but if I remember right they had a bit where they say it's live and there's a person with a joystick moving around a censor manually, which is obviously a joke. The show was called Susunu! Denpa Shnen, and the other segments included:

-A comedian travelling to Africa to disarm landmines. We see her begin to disarm a mine, but oh no, someone forgot to put their truck in park, and it rolls over a mine and explodes! In another segment the same actress ends up fighting off lions with a comically large paper fan.
-Two comedians are put on a deserted island in the ocean with no food or supplies and told they had to get back to Japan on their own. After months of hardship, they built a raft and escaped, only to be given a swan pedal boat and were told they had to go to Indonesia instead.
-Two comedians are put in South Africa with no money and have to travel all the way to Norway.
-Something that gamefaqs probably won't let me describe, but it involves a gay bar.
I watched a bit of all of these, but the company went all out with DMCAs and had them removed from youtube.

Beveren_Rabbit posted...
what was the reason why he couldn't just quit after a few days?
One of the things I found out while looking into this a few years ago is that Japanese comedians (or TV Talent, because they're also used for stuff like gameshows) are heavily controlled by talent agencies. If you refuse a role, you could get fired or even blacklisted. I can only assume he got proper meals and clothing outside of filming. The guy also has a super recognizable face and wouldn't have been allowed to leave the studio or contact anyone. The pay is apparently shit, too, as you're practically working "for exposure" and the chance to make it big. I just don't buy that most of the show was real, though it would have absolutely sucked to "star" in it.
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