Are we sure Biden isn't a Republican?

Current Events

StealThisSheen posted...
To be clear, I'm not talking about Republicans. I'm speaking purely about the left.

I've long since accepted "Republican" is a disease that has no cure in sight.

I do have (misplaced?) hope that, as the left starts to age out and get replaced by younger people, we actually will be able to start to, viably, move further left, so that Joe Biden doesn't have to be the best we can achieve.

Trust me when I say some have moved away from that party even before we had Trump being a big issue. I have a friend who said he couldn't consider himself a Republican about 4-5 years before Trump ran for President, and this was a guy that before that point was a lifelong Republican.

There are tons of people out there that the Republican party has left behind for one reason or another and the more radical they get the more this will happen.
Getting too damn old for this crap!