Are we sure Biden isn't a Republican?

Current Events

Mecha_Sonic posted...
the point is that a lot of Millennials and Zoomers have got this idea in their heads that they're supposed to resent biden because he's not a "true leftist"

and i would like to deconstruct that, because i think it's a bullshit argument that's based on nothing more than memes, vibes, and truism

this topic literally accuses biden of being a republican, even though he's enacted the most progressive economic policy since LBJ. i don't think i'm the one who's being dishonest.

At worst the democrats have similar military policies as republicans but outside that most of them are different especially when you have people like Bernie identifying as a democrat. Yep both parties spend plenty on the military, but outside of that they don't really line up similarly often this is even more true when Trump changed the Republican party into what it is today, where it feels like they are becoming more right wing and more conspiracy theory based.

Even if Bernie never became president his presence in politics has helped the democratic party align more with his views, you saw Hillary talk about some of the issues Bernie raised up and I'm sure Biden has also been influenced a bit by him. The notion that you have to be the President to make any change in politics is ludicrous.
Getting too damn old for this crap!