Are we sure Biden isn't a Republican?

Current Events

Dancedreamer posted...
Who were the better options?

Not counting Bernie Sanders, who never stood a chance (sadly).

Bernie's best chance to have a serious run was 2016 when that failed he really never tried hard again. Again the country is not ready for Bernie if this was maybe 20 years in the future we might see Gen Z and Millennials be the primary voting block and a Bernie has more of a chance.

Obviously I don't mean Bernie himself he likely won't be alive and if he is he won't be running I just mean a person that shares his views. You gotta keep in mind boomers are the primary voting group and they haven't been fucked over financially as much as Millenials or Gen Z so they are happy with guys like Biden and Hillary which are status quo people.

Even in 2020 we had other options besides Biden, they just were too radical or not noteworthy enough to get votes like Yang it wasn't like on day 1 of the Democratic primaries Biden was already on a big lead.
Getting too damn old for this crap!