Ever laid in a hammock?

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A couple times a year we head deep into the woods to go to camp. Like it's 30 minutes to the nearest gas station deep in the woods.

Sleeping outside in my hammock is some of the best sleep I have ever had. I only have a basic double ENO right now but I will be looking to change it out before too long. I hate tying knots so for the rainfly I use figure 9 carabiners.

I had a z-pad I used for a while but got tired of it and I switched to an underquilt. I'll either use a fleece blanket or a 20 degree bag depending on the temperature. I have slept outside as low as 24 degrees or so.

There is nothing more relaxing than waking up and it's raining and hearing it hit your rainfly. Even laying in it during a thunderstorm is fun.
"No. I'm a man so theyll get me a full size McDouble." - DuncanWii