You are born working class, how likely are you to be rich and successful?

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MAR10_KarT posted...
^its crazy how some people still dont believe that networking and nepotism is a bigger factor in your future than you think

People are well aware of their value. However, you have more control than you think. You can put yourself in situations that allow you to get into circles for networking or nepotism in your favor. Hell, there's the crypto world that 3rd world countries have been profiting off of immensely given how it's global and completely open to anyone to contribute to.

There are avenues to climb up, but you have to pick a lane that suits you, be focused, and ideally be committed to the point of making sacrifices and making plays most people don't do. There's a level of talent and intelligence needed, but most people play it safe and give up when met with failure; as in they don't go further beyond what their peers do and so they'll generally only have as much as their peers.