How do you feel about the protests on college campuses

Current Events

Omega posted...
If you look at the reports coming out of Portland, OR from the PSU campus arrests, a lot of them weren't even students who were onsite smashing up the library and other buildings. It's starting to feel like a repeat of the shit that happened in 2020 when it was BLM, ANTIFA, and the Proud Boys.

You do know that the majority of student protesters were peaceful? Hell, the Rutgers encampment was closed down by the protesters themselves after their demands were met by the university.

And how nice of you to equate BLM protesters with the Proud Boys. Even the FBI admitted that the majority of BLM protesters were peaceful. A large number of violent incidents were exaggerated by right wing media or infiltrators like the Boogaloo Boys, who used the protest to murder officers.