"Vote blue no matter who"

Current Events

Tyranthraxus posted...
Because the Republicans made it that way. That's literally been their strategy for decades.

1. Create wedge issue
2. Force everyone onto one side of wedge
3. Whichever side of the wedge the GOP is on, blame the other side of the wedge for all the worlds problems.

Integration, Civil Rights, Immigration, Abortion, Marriage Equality, Transgender Rights, Guns

every single one of those things used to not be a partisan opinion until the GOP decided to artificially make it a wedge issue

If you want things to change, the first step is to destroy the GOP and the only way to do that is to dismantle the two party system, and the only way to do THAT is to vote in Democrats because they're the only ones advocating for electoral reform. The only thing the GOP wants to change about our elections is they want less people voting.

What? Civil rights, immigration, LGBT rights etc have always been partisan/highly polarized issues. They've always been disputed. The Democrats have zero interest in destroying the two party system. They actively believe current Republicans should exist and prop them up in order to win elections more easily and to not have to do anything when they win. Voting for Democrats is not going to get us to some post political post partisan utopia. Because Democratic politicians and donors are not actually interested in doing that and are opposed to any of the things that would get us there.

Republicans are interested in killing unions, schools, journalism, democratic elections, rational courts anything that leads to liberalism. Democrats are actively opposed to doing the same, they think it's wrong to do so.

Yes, voting for Democrats is better than voting for Republicans, but the party you're imagining is not the one that actually exists.
I gotta be righteous, I gotta be me, I gotta be conscious, I gotta be free, I gotta be able, I gotta attack, I gotta be stable, I gotta be black.