Movies everyone seems to love but you dislike.

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avatar. i'm just not into cgi like that so the movies offer nothing to me. and you got people that (used to?) get all sad because they can't live in pandora. i just don't get it.

nolan. now i don't hate nolan, but i'm not high on him like most others. for some reason i feel like i'm watching concepts instead of stories with nolan. interstellar did work on me, though. i like that one.

revenge of the sith. i'd rather watch the phantom menace to be honest. is child anakin awesome? no, but i didn't have to care as much yet because he wasn't the main one doing the on screen star wars shit outside of podracing. it's got the best duel of the trilogy by far. they had some fancy shmancy shit this fight but it was egregious in 2 and 3. the gungans and their accent is my one major complaint - that's specific to phantom menace and not spread across all three movies. i'm comparing, after all.