Movies everyone seems to love but you dislike.

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masterpug53 posted...
Wedding Crashers immediately springs to mind. It was supposed to be the next big comedy movie in line after Zoolander, Dodgeball, Old School, and Anchorman (all of which I loved), and everyone else in my social circle fawned over it...but I just didn't find it funny.

Feature-length comedies really dropped off a cliff for me after that. Superbad and Step Brothers were two other prominent ones that I just didn't enjoy at all. In fact the only other feature-length comedies I did enjoy in the 00's were Hot Fuzz and Walk Hard.

I've always thought that whole era was a complete disaster. I liked Talladega Nights when I was in middle school but I tried to rewatch it recently and..nah. Didn't like anything else Ferrell did. Then the whole Superbad/40 year old virgin crew took over as top dogs and I hate all of those movies. I feel like we're only just now recovering from that era of comedies. Pretty much the only good comedies of the 21st century are hybrids like action, horror, or drama comedies.