got bored so I asked ChatGPT if WWE/AEW stipulations could work in the NFL lol

Current Events

RetuenOfDevsman posted...
You should ask it about NFL rules in WWE next

Adapting NFL-style game stipulations and rules to WWE could create a unique blend of sports entertainment. Here are some ideas:

**Downs and Yards System:**
- Wrestlers could have a set number of attempts (downs) to pin their opponent or make them submit. If they fail, their opponent gets a chance to go on the offensive.
- **Pros:** Adds a strategic layer to matches.
- **Cons:** May slow down the pace of the action, which is not typical for WWE.

**Play Clock:**
- Wrestlers could have a limited amount of time to execute a move or combination of moves before having to break and reset.
- **Pros:** Introduces urgency and quick thinking.
- **Cons:** Could limit the development of longer, more dramatic sequences.

**Instant Replay:**
- Controversial decisions could be reviewed on instant replay, with the possibility of overturning a referee's call.
- **Pros:** Adds drama and can correct mistakes.
- **Cons:** Might disrupt the flow of the match and reduce the referee's authority.

- Wrestlers could have the option to challenge a referee's decision a limited number of times per match.
- **Pros:** Creates additional tension and strategic decisions.
- **Cons:** Could be overused and become a gimmick.

**Scoring System:**
- Points could be awarded for certain moves or sequences, with the winner being the wrestler with the most points at the end of the match.
- **Pros:** Rewards technical skill and strategy.
- **Cons:** Might detract from the traditional pinfall or submission endings.

These adaptations would certainly give WWE a fresh twist, but they would need to be carefully integrated to maintain the essence of professional wrestling entertainment.