Family Guy is what the Simpsons failed to be: a masterpiece.

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Family Guy, at its best, was maybe 10% as good as peak Simpsons. And I think their biggest problem is a lack of likeability. I like, if not love, pretty much every Simpsons character everywhere. But I don't think there are any regularly recurring characters that I really like except Stewie.

Peter Griffin I kind of like but he can be a bit much sometimes.

Brian often feels like he's being preachy or it feels like the show is trying too hard to force us to relate to him.

Lois is kind of boring... she's a grounded character like Marge and Lisa Simpson but those characters make me feel emotionally invested while also acting as good foils for Bart and Homer.

Peter is also boring, all he has going for him is Seth Green doing a silly voice.

Meg... I feel sorry for her because the show seems to DESPISE her character but there's nothing about her to make me actually like her.
"It's Dyin' time."
Captain Bruce Diehard, Die Hard