VP candidate Kristi Noem killed her family's dog & goat with a shotgun

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ShaneMcComez posted...
Some people need to have that realization they shouldn't own pets if they're going to treat them so badly. I don't like animals either; dogs and cats included. Yet I have more sense then some people to not own a pet, and if other family members of mine want a pet, it's their responsibility to take care of them.

Though this is some straight up pyschopath Noem killing a puppy for not behaving the way she wants her to behave is straight fucked up. I've seen a similar situation where a neighbor's black Labrador dog got into the henhouse twice and slaughtered a bunch of chickens. It's part of dog's nature and they can't help themselves. You gotta know what might happen and have those chickens better fenced in or find a way to keep that dog from getting in.

It's really messed up killing an animal because you yourself can't train them the way you want them to behave. You can't train a dog to do and behave well in every situation. In a normal world, Noem should be investigated and charged for animal cruelty.

I'm more partial to cats than dogs, but I know I'm not cut out for it. The stress when animals behave in confusing or infuriating ways is more than I want to deal with.
Swimming over the barrier to protect my egg.