What happened to shockthemonkey?

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Heavy_D_Forever posted...
Shock blocked me for literally telling them to "Calm down, don't be so mad." I was just legit worried about their health. It can't be good for you to be angry af all the time lmao
I did the same, and he actually listened to me and calmed down. I have told him that I think he is a good dude but needs to chill sometimes. I have actually leveled this complaint at a few people on CE, but Shock actually responded better to me about it than most. We've been cool since. And I have had my non-chill moments as well, but I feel I have been better the last few months. I think Shock has been too. I think giving people the benefit of the doubt can help a lot.

Hi Shock! I assume you will see this.
Currently playing: Nothing, I'll start again after my honeymoon