If existential fear won't get you to vote against Trump, then nothing will.

Current Events

FortuneCookie posted...
My biggest priority, up to and including my own survival, is having no blood on my hands.

If I vote for Biden, I kill the people of Gaza.
If I vote for Trump, I kill the people of Gaza, homosexuals, trans people, Black people, Asian people, and Hispanic people.
If I vote neither, I kill no one and I passively let the world burn without being responsible for any deaths.

I'm sorry. That's the way it is. For the first time in my life, I'm grateful to live in a state where my vote doesn't count. Indiana is going to be red as blood regardless of whether or not I vote, so I'm not going to throw in with Genocidal Joe just because Trump's reach would be much further.

If I do show up to vote, I'm writing "the one who would protect Palestine" as a protest vote.
That third option you just made up is some shitty fan fiction. All it does is contribute to a trump victory, which you seem content with