If you're speeding behind someone speeding, and you see sirens..

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Current Events » If you're speeding behind someone speeding, and you see sirens..
Who gets pulled over?
Pineapple belongs on pizza
Who's going faster?
~snip (V)_(;,;)_(V) snip~
I'm just one man! Whoa! Well, I'm a one man band! https://imgur.com/p9Xvjvs
Whoever is closer to him
See profile pic
The person in front of me.

I was just going with the flow of traffic. >.>
I do drawings and stuff
You know the saying "I don't have to outrun the hungry lion, I have to outrun the guy next to me"?

The cop is the lion
I'll just go over a lane to separate us and see who the cop car follows lol

Love and peace
You change lanes and then he has to pick
WingsOfGood posted...
You change lanes and then he has to pick
Ideally after going over a hill or incline so they briefly lose sight of you.
Moustache twirling villian
https://i.imgur.com/U3lt3H4.jpg- Kerbey
I go 80-85 in the left lane around here. State cops tailgate me until I move over so they can go 95, but never stop me for speeding. so if I ever see lights behind me I move the fuck over ASAP

I could see you, but I couldn't hear you You were holding your hat in the breeze Turning away from me In this moment you were stolen...
I was once in Dallas crossing the bridge over lake Ray Hubbard and a cop pulled over 2 speeders at the same time lol. I was yelling "no f'n way!".

They were a ways apart in separate lanes too.

I'm surrounded
This happened to me once when we had one car following another (I was the passenger in the car that was following the other one). The cop pulled out behind us and then got around us to get the first car. We all pulled over and the cop told our car to leave and the first car got the ticket. Not sure if thats normal, but thats the way it went down.
The only time it happened to me, I started to pull over and watched to see if he'd pass or follow me onto the shoulder. He passed. But the pigs usually hunt in packs around here, so i figured another one would get me further down the road. Thankfully not. But that was a long time ago, and I don't really speed anymore.
I apologize for nothing!
Current Events » If you're speeding behind someone speeding, and you see sirens..