Anyone else terrified of debt because of family history?

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Definitely disagree on the car being 10% of your income thing even as a lifelong cheapass. The average salary in America is 60k. Driving a 6k used shitbox sounds like both a hassle for how uncomfortable it will be every time you're in it to/from waging it up and how likely and often something that cheap is going to need repairs. I'm on month 7 of a 4 year financing term and my only regrets are that hvac and radio controls shouldn't be touchscreen-based and I should have picked something comfortable to drive like this a long time ago since I don't feel tired after every drive

Being frugal is one thing but that just sounds like out of touch Dave "hey just take public transportation even if it's dogshit in your random city" Ramsey financial advice
Roll Tide & Go Irish