Anyone else terrified of debt because of family history?

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Yeah my parents hardcore fumbled the bag recently. Mom had a good career job, dad had a company that was finally taking off and they were raking in money (right after I left for college). Then my dad convinced my mom to quit her job and stay at home and then proceeded to blow money like crazy over a decade. Almost every time I visited home during undergrad and grad school, I would see that he was driving a different car or kept a car and then added another. The most pathetic instance of this was a new Mercedes coupe that got its alignment straight fucked up by one huge pothole boi in Jackson, MS so he got rid of that one. Buying a golf cart that was super rarely used. Jacuzzi on a new covered patio that remained absolutely untouched. House paid off super early and doubled in value. There's absolutely no reason they shouldn't be millionaires right now but now it's in shambles. Back in 2010 both my sister and I had separate $200k accounts that my dad was going to give us after we finished school and now both of them are rip

So from growing up not that well off and then seeing that happen as an adult, I'm pretty much terrified every time I have to take out a loan or make a big purchase. When I got my current condo, the agent showing me around thought I hated the place while in reality I loved it but was just freaking out because huge financial commitment. Got a new car last year (so that I could lend my paid off car to my mom) that I had no problem affording but the entire time I was panicking and super paranoid about the dealership ripping me off even though I did a ton of research before even contacting them.
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